Mankato Memoirs: Remembering Chase Tuseth

I usually write my posts and publish them the same day, but still have rough ideas in my head of what I want to post ahead of time. One post I wanted to be sure to include in Mankato Memoirs is Remembering Chase Tuseth. I thought of posting about him months ago, and WOW have things changed since then. I was going to provide a whole commentary about Chase, but I’ll just sum it up.

In early 2017, a customer of mine at Mettler’s mentioned that an unarmed man was shot by police in a Mankato hotel room. I was surprised by this news, because it was nowhere on the internet. Unicorn Riot didn’t have any parades about it, and no SJW lawyers that I knew of were representing Chase’s family. I later learned that Chase Tuseth doesn’t fit the SJW media-friendly victim profile, so his police brutality death doesn’t matter. But, in light of recent events, I’ll just leave it there. I have been researching Chase Tuseth’s murder for a long time now, and the social climate of why his murder was so under-reported.