Unsurprisingly, the NLRB higher courts upheld a decision made last Summer.

I was not contacted by a single journalist about the decision, but somehow it became big news. Every single article I have read so far contains multiple factually incorrect statements about me and this case. Various people have come out of the woodwork, to contact and congratulate me, calling me a “superhero” and such. I don’t feel like a superhero. In fact, the articles are very misleading and put the situation in a more positive light than it actually should be portrayed. I am not surprised by the work of lazy liberal journalists though. Eventually, when it is all over, I will do a series about Centerfold, including personal public letters to all of the journalists and bloggers who are writing factually incorrect statements.

Since Brenda Bonzo and Greg Flaig decided to appeal it last year, the amount of money that they owe me has increased significantly, because of daily interest accruing. It would have been cheaper for them to just settle in 2018, or not appeal it in 2019. Instead, they have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on an expensive, high profile lawyer who is very frustrated with their antics. They owe me more money now than ever.