Biometric Data Rights

This past Summer, I received a check for almost $400 in the mail. It was a small sweet surprise. I forgot that I had signed up for a class action represented by Kusinski earlier this year, holding ADP accountable. In 2019, I welded at a Chicagoland manufacturing plant that made me give my fingerprint to clock in and out. Illinois has some of the best biometric data protection laws in the country, and Kusinski’s firm helped to enforce those laws with their class action. Unfortunately, workplaces continue to violate their employee’s biometric data rights. Strip clubs sometimes make misclassified dancers give their fingerprints, in order to clock in and out. Workplaces in a variety of different industries, at an ever increasing pace, are stealing their worker’s biometric data and using robots to manage their workforce. This includes exploiting fingerprints, gait, eye patterns, video footage, behavioral algorithms, and more. The good thing is that together, workers can come together to protect their biometric data through litigation and other means. If you are interested in discussing biometric data protection with me, need a good lawyer referral, or to otherwise create worker solidarity in this developing and robust area of law, please contact me through the tab at the top.