Let's Retire This SJW Term.

I’m not going to be using the term “sex worker” any more. I know I’ve used it in a lot of previous posts, but it’s always creeped me out bothered me in a variety of ways. It reminds me too much of an Orwellian Newspeak SJW term they like to invent, and we can’t have that here any more.

ESLERP members suggested we use “erotic service provider.” I like the term “adult entertainer,” if not specifically referring to dancers or strippers. Sex Worker took hold in the media for some reason, and is now so omnipresent in a ShitLib way that people like me use it for convenience and commonality.

Many strippers are bothered by using it, because sex isn’t supposed to be part of our job. It is inaccurate— no sex takes place in strip clubs most of the time. It is legally liable— one could potentially be subject to prosecution if accused of illegal acts. Erotic Service Provider or Adult Entertainer is a lot more vague legally, and can also be used as the solidarity “umbrella term” function that Sex Worker is often used for to encompass different kinds of adult entertainers like strippers, webcam performers, etc.