Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Hailey Nicole Elmore
I really went back on forth on this one. Doxxing Sunshine was not an easy decision. She is a violent narcissist who, among other things, sexually harassed me by threatening to shoot a foam ball at me from her cavernous post-postpartum vagina. She is so sweet and vulnerable too though. She's been through a lot in life. One could argue that her traumatic life caused her to be the type of person she is. Sunshine has been mentioned in this series already. I haven't posted about her yet, because I couldn't decide if she was going to get doxxed. In the end, I decided that she's way too abusive and scabby to remain anonymous. Maybe this'll help her future abused coworkers to understand their workplace situation better. As with most previous entries, we will discuss her background, examine her vulnerabilities, highlight positive traits, while also delving into some of the problems and potential solutions.
Sunshine's real name is Hailey Nicole Elmore. Elmore is a very common Tennessee surname that can be found in many charming old cemeteries around the state. While predominantly descended from European colonists, Sunshine makes sure to notify people that she is a Native American, with no mentioning of tribal membership or affiliation. Sunshine is your standard doe-eyed and beautiful Tennessean. She has adorable dimples, prominent cheekbones, and a round cherubic face. She also happens to have a massive forehead and high hairline like Worf from Star Trek. She's very hourglass shaped. Her hair was bleached blonde when I first started working at Mouse's Ear in 2019, but she had the good sense to dye it back to a dark color. She was younger than most of the dancers at Mouse's Ear, and acted like a whiny brat most of the time. She has a precious voice and down home Tennessee accent, which is already slightly grizzled from hard living. Her voice is likely to continue getting grizzlier each year. At the rate she's going, her voice may be unrecognizable by the time she hits 30.
Sunshine once stated that her biological parents abandoned her at a Burger King when she was small. She stated that she had to bounce around to different foster and group homes after that. Another time, she stated that she was left at a McDonald's, not a Burger King. I've found Elmore family photos on facebook, where Sunshine is hanging out with her biological mother and siblings over the years, so I'm not sure what the whole foster care timeline is, or how much of what she says is true. At work, Sunshine used to brag about how she was “the hottest bitch” in her group home as a teenager, and brag about the males in the group home “wanting” her. What she described was sexual harassment and an abusive group home, but she didn't seem to be aware of how bad that situation was when bragging about it.
Several months before I started working at Mouse's Ear in 2019, Sunshine gave birth to a daughter. Sunshine stated that she was on recreational Xanax while being impregnated. Not long after Sunshine's daughter was born, the state of Tennessee took the baby away. From my understanding, Sunshine's biological mother was in regular contact with the state of Tennessee, regarding the welfare of the baby. Sunshine had been living in her car and sleeping in her car with the baby. I'm not sure what she did with the baby while she was working. Sunshine's partner is half black, so her daughter is one quarter black. At work, Sunshine used to enthusiastically brag about how her daughter inherited a light phenotype, blue eyes, and “looks white.” Personally I'm not the type to procreate with black guys, but I'd think that the mother of a mixed race child should not celebrate phenotype preferences in a way that could negatively effect the child's self esteem and self worth. At work, Sunshine stated that her biological mother falsely accused her of shaking the baby, blowing cannabis smoke in the baby's face, and starving the baby. From my understanding, prior to when I came to Mouse's Ear, Sunshine's mother called the authorities and had them search her belongings at Mouse's Ear. During the search, they found cocaine in her possession. From my understanding, the cocaine possession lead to her loss of custody, among other reasons. The entire time that I worked at Mouse's Ear, Sunshine's ongoing custody saga was discussed and dissected in the dressing room among herself and the other dancers. Sunshine was upset that her mother texted her and accused her of letting the baby eat diapers. Sunshine stated that the alleged diaper eating incident was another reason why she wasn't getting her custody back. Sunshine very much wanted her daughter back, and talked about it obsessively. She had moved into a cheap motel and was dealing with the daily grind of making sure she had enough money for her room each night. While I was at Mouse's Ear, she regained some form of custody, after securing an apartment and passing a drug test. CPS kept getting anonymously called on her after that though. At some point, a rumor started at work that I was the one calling CPS on Sunshine. While Sunshine is a violent bitch who doesn't deserve to take care of anything, I did not make any of those calls to CPS, or get involved in her custody bullshit. After Mouse's Ear fired me, I did see that she lost custody of her daughter again, and then her daughter got permanently adopted some place else. I was relieved to learn that the baby was permanently taken away from Sunshine, and will hopefully have a healthier home to grow up in.
Sunshine was in an on-again, off-again relationship with her baby daddy in 2019. His name is Justin Williams. Everyone from the 2019 Mouse's Ear dressing room knows all about Justin Williams. I hate Justin Williams. He was both physically and emotionally abusive to Sunshine, and he is a deadbeat parent. Justin Williams impregnated a different white woman prior to impregnating Sunshine, so he is the biological deadbeat parent of two daughters who are very close in age. His other daughter is named Navaeh. Sunshine used to refer to his other daughter as “Ugly Ass Navaeh,” because Sunshine had some jealousy issues regarding Justin having another daughter who wasn't hers. Sunshine often spoke of baby Navaeh like an evil stepmom would speak of a step daughter who she hated.
While working at Mouse's Ear, Sunshine earned a lot more money than Justin Williams did at his job. She is beautiful, bubbly, sociable with customers, charismatic, and a naturally talented dancer who enjoys music. She was one of the top earners at our club. Income disparity was a point of tension in her romantic relationship. Insecure Loser Males with high-earning stripper girlfriends will often have this problem in the relationship. Like many other strippers I've met who are in abusive relationships with losers, Sunshine used to hand her nightly earnings over to Justin Williams “to hold onto” for her. Sunshine referred to her Mouse's Ear money as “theirs.” When they went out to eat, she always made sure to discreetly hand him the cash, so he could manually pay for the food and “feel like a man” in front of the server.
In addition to neglecting baby humans, Justin and Hailey also had a difficult time taking care of their pet cat. They had to re-home their cat while I worked at Mouse's Ear. Despite Hailey's bad track record in taking care of dependents, she continued to try. Behind the Mouse's Ear's building, there is a small wooded area and parking lot, where a group of feral cats happily lived. When pulling into the Mouse's Ear lot, I often saw them frolicking and staring at people from their safe spots. Most people at work knew about them and appreciated their presence. Since Sunshine is a selfish narcissist, she informed everyone that she used to try to “catch” the cats and keep one for a pet. I always hoped that Sunshine would get a flat tire, break a limb, or otherwise be prevented from kidnapping a happy feral cat from it's colony behind the strip club.
Most of the dancers and staff at Mouse's Ear felt sorry for Sunshine. Most people thought she deserved to have her daughter back, hoped she'd find the strength to leave Justin, and believed that Sunshine's mom was evil for calling CPS on her own daughter. Most of the dancers and staff at Mouse's Ear were totally on Sunshine's side in all of her struggles. Sunshine comes off as both needy and charming, so she received a lot of help and community from our workplace. Khaleesi was always very worried for Sunshine's well-being, particularly when Sunshine did things like go to a hotel room by herself to dance for club customers at their hotel room bachelor party. Khaleesi tried to save and mentor her. She jokingly stated that she wanted to adopt Sunshine and take care of her like a daughter. Aspen has a difficult time not making fun of people to their faces, and sometimes Aspen made fun of Sunshine to her face, but there was also a lot of comradeship between those two. Ralph and Raven were very soft on Sunshine, and they always rooted for her. Unfortunately, Ralph and Raven's support for Sunshine included supporting her whenever she bullied dancers who she didn't like. Sunshine was extremely socially privileged at Mouse's Ear, due to her willingness to do whatever the Brownings said, her vulnerabilities, her attractiveness, innocence, and sales numbers. In most ways, Sunshine was the perfect employee for the Brownings. She was a the perfect scab for the Brownings. Ralph babied her and simultaneously exploited her labor, all while smiling and joking with her.
Despite her high income, Sunshine “borrowed” things from people all the time. Things she borrowed included snacks, cigarettes, and baby wipes. One of Sunshine's drug dealers with a Jewish man from Downer's Grove, Illinois. He used to come in to both buy dances and sell cocaine in the corner of the room. At first I thought he was just a normal customer, and I sold him some songs. However, he was instructed by Sunshine and other dancers to not talk to me or give me money. After that, he'd just smile and smirk at me without ever talking to me again, as though he had some grand secret he was keeping, and as though I wasn't aware that he was a cocaine dealer corrupting my workplace.
One of Sunshine's best workplace friends was a dancer who went by Gypsy. Gypsy's real name is Ambria Nicols. Ambria was friendly with me some of the time, and unfriendly with me other times. She smoked large amounts of cannabis out of her locker, and told me that she “doesn't agree” with the way that I hustle. Lilith regularly supplied Ambria with cannabis in the dressing room. When I asked Ambria to describe what she specifically doesn't agree with about my hustling, she was unable to elaborate. Some of Ambria's moods allowed her to defend me, by stating that the dancers at Mouse's Ear should stop being mean to me. However, if I ever defended myself or appeared bold, Ambria would stop being nice to me. If I appeared vulnerable, she would become more defensive. Ambria informed me that Selexa solicited her for sex before getting fired, and that she strongly disliked Selexa for harassing me and other dancers. However, Ambria was also friendly with Selexa in the workplace, in a fake way having to do with mutual enjoyment of cannabis and pleasant small talk. Ambria got a DUI while working at Mouse's Ear, and went to jail. She deserved to be in jail, for risking people's lives on the road with her intoxicated driving. When Ambria went to jail, Sunshine made facebook posts with the hashtag “FreeMyBitch,” referring to her desires for Ambria to be free. Bitch is a term of endearment among certain kinds of trashy females like Sunshine. Sunshine didn't believe her friend should've experienced negative consequences for threatening people's lives with drunk driving. Ambria couldn't drive to work after that incident, so she stopped working at Mouse's Ear entirely. I didn't like most of Ambria's moods, so I was very happy when she stopped being my coworker. Below is a photo of Ambria.
Sunshine was mostly a weather vane in terms of her willingness to be kind to people who her closest workplace associates did not accept. She had a tendency to go along with what everybody else thought and did. She was specifically instructed by the other dancers to be unkind to me, so she began complaining about me “cut throating,” and complaining when I did simple things like sell dances. Stupid Bitch Rachel Roberts had a strong influence on Sunshine's behavior, as did Lilith, and anyone else involved with excessive cannabis use in the dressing room. Sunshine would do things like verbally threaten to “kick my ass” for talking to a customer who she had previously sat with. When Rachel Roberts began harassing me for having wavy hair, suggesting I should use a hair straightener, Sunshine would make snide little remarks about how I should use a hair straightener as well. Occasionally she'd throw an elbow out if she walked past me, or cough while saying “WHORE” at me. She'd often refer to me as a “snitch,” because I addressed workplace problems with the Brownings when they arose. At times when I didn't put up with predatory abuse from violent misogynist customers, Sunshine would refer to me as “a bitch.” One time, she encouraged the customers who she was sitting with to whip quarters at me while I was on stage. My solution was to ignore her most of the time. I knew that the Brownings and my coworkers were not going to help me. Her bizarre workplace abuse toward me was all the more strange, because she would also express confusion and discontent if we walked past each other and I ignored her. She'd complain about how “stuck up” I am for not engaging more with her. Sunshine had a tendency to get along with more aggressive and misogynist clients. One time I was upstairs in the dressing room and described some downstairs customers as “douchey.” Sunshine shouted “I love douchey!” and immediately ran downstairs to fraternize with them. Sometimes at the end of the night, she would announce how much money she made, and try to get me to state how much money I made. Sunshine would regularly ask to “borrow” things from me in the same manner she did with her friends. One time, she randomly asked to “borrow” ten dollars from me, after calling me a “whore” during the previous shift that we had together. She was upset that I wouldn't loan her ten dollars.
Sunshine was often confused about how I was able to sell so many songs while having a modest bosom that was neither surgically altered, nor naturally large like hers. Sunshine often stared at my chest in confusion as I danced for entranced customers, as though she was trying to figure out a mystery. Sunshine and her voluptuous friend Rachel Roberts discussed their confusion about my sales numbers. Sometimes if Sunshine sold a table dance in close proximity to me selling a dance at the same time, she would rapidly shake her tits in spastic jerking motions, repeatedly glance over at me while jerking her fat saggy postpartum tits, and try to draw as much attention to her chest motions as she possibly could. In my almost seventeen years of dancing, I've noticed that there are a lot of big titty bitches who feel confused and insecure when they are out-earned by svelte dancers such as myself. Many big titty bitches grew up in a mainstream culture that told them the only way for a woman to be attractive is by having a front side that resembles a steatopygia backside. They received a lot of affirming attention and comments from a certain percentage of males who prefer big breasts. So, when these kinds of women start their jobs at the strip clubs and find successful dancers who conflict with their worldview, they can sometimes react angrily.
Sunshine used to accuse dancers who she didn't like of being uncleanly or having unwashed genitals. I never saw any hygiene issues with any of the dancers who she criticized. I always thought this tendency of Sunshine's was something she picked up from her friend Rachel Roberts.
Sunshine can be a really sweet person sometimes. Maybe she will get better with time and therapy. In the great Nature Versus Nurture debate, one could argue that there are systemic ways to prevent people like Sunshine from existing. Systemic changes could include more stable group homes without misogynist environments of harassment, the teaching of women's rights in public education, extra-curricular self-esteem workshops for females, education on worker solidarity. Maybe there are ways to teach young women that their patronizing old man bosses are never their friends, and are only nice to them so they can have an easier time exploiting their labor and using them as scabby tools. Cognitively, I understand why Sunshine turned out to be such a horrible person, but I can't fucking stand the bitch as much as I try to intellectualize it. Not everyone with horrible upbringings turn out like Sunshine, so one could argue that she is inherently terrible. Honestly, I don't think she will change much or ever become interested in worker rights. I checked Sunshine's facebook profiles (there are several) during the making of this series. After she permanently lost custody of her daughter, she and Justin made another baby together in their turbulent relationship. As climate change wreaks havoc on Earth and we face the threat of nuclear fallout from Russia, Hailey and Justin continue to fuck and fight, break up and reunite.