Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Adrienne Farmer

Appalachia is a very painful place. The pain of Appalachians is palpable. The pain of oppression, poverty, misogyny, drug addiction, capitalism, mental illness, and pseudo-scientific snake oil is thick in the air. People wear their pain, and express it outwardly. Is is present when they smile-- their lack of dental care, cultural aversions to socialism, and reliance on free market capitalism's delusion that they are “free” shows it's ugliness with each drug-induced, rotten-tooth grin.

Lilith's real name is Adrienne Farmer. She has been mentioned in a number of posts already. She will be mentioned in future posts after this one. She deserves her own doxx post, although this series as a whole is a doxx of the Brownings with Lilith as an appendage. I thought about leaving out her real name because she was so young when working at Mouse's Ear, but her future coworkers must know who she is, that she has a tendency to scab and snitch to the boss, and she must not be trusted with matters of improving working conditions without some accountability.

Adrienne Farmer said she was from Harlan County, Kentucky. Harlan has bloody great historical significance within the labor movement for coal miners striking and unionizing. The wonderful song “Which Side Are You On?” is about labor organizing in Harlan, a song that has been covered by artists such as Natalie Merchant and Dropkick Murphys. I asked Lilith if she had any relatives who were involved with any of the coal miner strikes, or if she was interested in organized labor. I don't think she understood some of the language I was using. She said that her aunt was involved in some of that stuff decades ago, but talking to Lilith didn't give me the impression that she was interested in any of that presently, or that she thought transferring labor organizing to Mouse's Ear would be a good idea. I get angry when I think about the very real conspiracies to deny Appalachian students of their labor history lessons, of the agenda to remove their rich culture of labor struggles from schoolbooks, the very intentional goal by people in power to pretend like Harlan never happened. Lilith's Harlan heritage is so powerful, and she should be proud.

Lilith was very open with everyone at work about her traumatic childhood, and usually brought it up when first meeting someone. In high school, she walked in on her dad raping a child. She reported him to the police, testified against him in court, and sent him to prison. She has an autistic sister, who she calls a “rape baby,” because she says her mother was raped by their dad at her sister's conception. Lilith says she was moved to a foster home as a teenager after her dad went to prison. At various times, Lilith will claim that her parents are second or third cousins, in a novel way as though she thinks it is grotesquely funny. Her mother's maiden name is Cornett. Farmer and Cornett are two very common surnames in Kentucky. Lilith began smoking cigarettes as a child, chain smoked at Mouse's Ear, and used an inhaler for her asthma. She is worried about having physical abnormalities as the result of inbreeding, and discussed them regularly at work. She looked normal to me, aside from her rotting teeth that resembled grey little pegs. In fact, we used to look at ourselves in the mirror together and note the similarities between our upturned noses and rounded face shapes.

Lilith had a lot of pseudo-scientific beliefs. For example, when she saw me plucking a grey hair off my head in the mirror, she told me that plucking one grey hair will cause exponentially more to grow in it's place. Lilith was a firm believer in the concept of “karma,” so much that she had the word Karma tattooed on her back. A pagan's constant mentioning of karma is not much different than an Evangelical's constant mentioning of god getting people in the end. Sometimes justice happens, but sometimes horrible things happen to people who don't deserve it, and criminals get away with awful things. It's only confirmation bias that perpetuates faith in karma. Lilith believed in earnest that I had magickal powers, even though I told her I wasn't really into that kind of thing except for a soft agnostic whimsy. I used to wear a rose quartz heart necklace that I purchased in the gift shop of Chicago's Field Museum, and Lilith provided a wealth of information about her belief in the powers of rose quartz. Lilith informed me that she is a “crystal witch,” that her parents are crystal witches, and that it was in her blood to have crystal witch powers. I'm not sure what type of witch she thought I was. It is my theory that people who are suffering, who feel powerless, will think they have magickal powers as a coping mechanism to get out of whatever situation they find themselves in. The world around us is overwhelmingly bad, and sometimes it feels better to believe we have a way out of it by casting spells.

Lilith loved triangulating and controlling a social situation however she was able. She often attempted to dominate other people. While I was at Mouse's Ear waiting to audition in May of 2019, she introduced herself and initiated a conversation with me. She told me she would be “training” me on my first night. I avoided her after the audition, and worried what she meant by that. I really hate the idea of being “trained” by a coworker against my will, and I worried it was some kind of rule implemented by the Brownings. When I was alone in the office with Buddy, I asked him what she meant by saying she was going to train me. He didn't know what the hell she was talking about, and stated that dancers don't train each other at his club. I can only assume that Lilith took it upon herself to attempt to “train” me because she wanted to control the situation. At the time, she assumed I was in my early 20s and had limited experience in strip clubs, so perhaps she thought she could ambush me with her control. She tended to do that with most dancers who just started there, which also assisted her in establishing dominance as a dressing room cannabis peddler. She does this Southern thing of talking very gently to people she doesn't actually like, in order to try to find out information about them that she could use to harm them with later. She'd often meander around the dressing room, saying slanderous things about people behind their backs, and then proceed to be nice to them when speaking to them directly. She also has a poor memory, so she forgot conversations days later, repeated things often, and had unpredictable moods. Lilith often whispered to me that nobody at Mouse's Ear was to be trusted, but never included herself in such warnings. She often called our coworkers “a bunch of bitches,” but never included herself in these warnings. She only worked at Mouse's Ear for a year or so when I started.

Lilith never liked how many dances I sold in comparison to her sales. She strongly clung to the idea that she should sit with customers for long stretches of time. She was upset that I'd sell a dance within a few minutes and then walk away from them. She was also upset that I'd approach customers who she previously sat with, but was no longer sitting with. In the beginning, she'd tell me not to work the way that I do. I never obeyed her. One time, I overheard her approach Ralph behind me, to tell him that if he wasn't going to get rid of me, then she'd quit. This happened around August, so I still had a good three months to go. She never quit while I was there.

Sometimes Lilith spoke normally with me, sometimes not. One time nearing the end of my employment, we were conversing in the stair well, between the upstairs and downstairs. She was acknowledging that most people at Mouse's Ear disliked me, and stated that I would never fit in with anyone there no matter how long I stayed, because I was the only sober person working there and most of the dancers were addicted to pills or other drugs as their way of bonding with one another. She stated that it is easy for people to gang up on me because I am alone, sit alone, and do not go out of my way to gather in groups. Buddy walked by and saw us talking, and then he took Lilith aside to yell at her. She began to cry after he walked away, and told me that Buddy was upset with her for speaking with me in the stair well. I'll probably never know the extent to which Lilith interacted with the Brownings, or why Buddy was specifically upset with Lilith for conversing with me in the stair well enough to yell at her and make her cry. I know that often times when strip clubs try to get rid of me, they will isolate me socially, so I have fewer allies than I normally would anyway with my avoidant personality. I know that Lilith was being secretive about explaining certain dynamics to me. Another dancer informed me that Lilith was addicted to cocaine, and I do wonder if she associated closely with the Brownings for that reason among others. Lilith expressed that she knew about my past of suing strip clubs. She was one of the people to spread rumors that my locker was bugged. She often defended her former partner, DJ Rob, for harassing dancers about tipping him and dictating rules to them. She expressed no interest in worker solidarity whatsoever, and was more attached to the men in power. She often taddled to the Brownings about our other coworkers doing things that were not harming her, but that she knew would cause them dismay if the Brownings knew.

In addition to cannabis sales and stripper work, Lilith prided herself on other entrepreneurial pursuits during working hours. She charged other dancers to let her massage their shoulders-- I rejected those offers. She also made artful t-shirts and tank tops, which she once pressured me into purchasing. I didn't want that shirt, but I was feeling generous and bought one from her. She also attempted to sell me some jewelry that I wasn't interested in. Her only other strip club working experience was at a dive bar called Fuzzy Holes, in Johnson City. She also sold pornographic photos of herself on the internet. She often bragged to people about her IQ of 118. My IQ is 138, but I haven't bragged about that number for years, because that would be tacky.

Lilith usually expressed discontent when people were nice to me without her involvement in a conversation or interaction. Near the end of my employment at Mouse's Ear, I made a friend named Bunny. Bunny used to break out in hives and rashes when she was nervous at work, and dancers bullied her about it, by saying her irritated skin was contagious and telling her to wash herself. Bunny had a drug problem, was not very assertive, and also lived at Motel 6 from time to time. Lilith did not like it that I had an ally, so she tried to disrupt that bridge. She would ask Bunny a bunch of personal questions that were none of her business, and force Bunny to let her drive her to wherever she was staying. When Bunny was staying at Motel 6, Lilith told everyone at work that Bunny was homeless, which was supposed to have been a secret. She'd repeatedly ask Bunny how much money she made per night, and ask to see Bunny's money. On one of my last nights at Mouse's Ear, Lilith was having a rough night financially, so she physically took Bunny up to a couple of guys, talking as though she was Bunny's pimp, and offered to traffic her at Motel 6. She was offering them prices for Bunny.

Adrienne Farmer no longer works at Mouse's Ear. Her facebook says she lives in Tampa. I still have so many questions about her involvement with the Brownings. I have a theory that the first time Adrienne Farmer ever received proper care in her life was after she told the authorities about her dad and sent him to prison, that her social workers in foster care gave her so much reassurance and attention, and that since then, she became addicted to talking to authorities or bosses, telling on others as much as she possibly could for validation. It's just a theory. Organized labor in strip clubs should be cautious of Adrienne Farmer. I do pity all of her suffering, but that doesn't make her any less of a scab.