Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Renata Rangel

Brazil's teeth look great. Her real name is Renata Rangel. It's hard to find an unaltered photo of her, but I will include the few I found throughout this post. She is a horrible coworker who deserves to get doxxed. She started at Mouse's Ear in the Summer of 2019, and was recently still working there. I don't know if she is currently still working there. Brazil is a Crybully scab who wrangled management sympathy for her benefit, and intentionally tried to sabotage the working experiences of other dancers.

I have a soft spot for Brazil, and do not hate her as I hate the likes of Selexa, Aspen, or Ivywood. Beneath all of Brazil's workplace toxicity, she is a nerdy academic who brazenly immigrated to a whole new continent for a better life. Let us first acknowledge the vulnerable parts of her, followed by some positive traits, before delving into the problems.

Brazil's dad in Brazil was battling cancer while she was working at Mouse's Ear. Her family in Brazil did not have good healthcare. She was sending money back home. She was a single mother with three children. Being an ESL teacher doesn't pay as much as it should. She started dancing because many jobs in academia do not financially support hard working women. She is an extremely hard worker who wanted to take care of both her family in Brazil and her babies in the USA. She has clear porcelain skin and silky thick black hair, a beautiful contrast which hearkens ancient memories of Celtiberians and Galecia. She has a charming Brazilian accent, combined with a Tennessee twang. Brazilians who live in other parts of the United States do not sound the same as Brazil does with her Tennessee twang. It is extremely enjoyable and interesting to listen to her pronounce words while both of her accents weave together like poetry. She is wickedly well spoken, verbally skilled, with a classical European bravado that just melts on the ears as each syllable bursts into existence like little nebulas. Her voice is sensually raspy, as many Spanish and Portuguese voices tend to be. Her sultry accented voice was always her greatest sales asset.

Brazil seemed relatively opposed to the idea that we should “tip” Alexandra Cave. She verbally expressed a desire to keep her money for her babies instead of giving it away to that stupid cunt. Brazil gave Alex the bare minimum of socially acceptable tips that would continue to let her coast by at work without the type of harassment that I experienced.

I was very nice to Brazil when she started at Mouse's Ear. She sat next to me and told me her life story within minutes of meeting me, like Codi did. I felt the need to be extra nice to her in the beginning, because she was an outsider compared to our coworkers, like me. Like Codi, she was a single mother who got a bunch of tattoos that helped liberate herself from her former husband. She was nice to me for about a week, before becoming upset at the amount of dances I sold, getting propagandized by our coworkers, and angry when we both sat in a large group of customers, where I sold some dances to people who asked me for them after they got dances from her. After about a week, she decided to be unjustly horrible to me, a decision which was fully supported by the Brownings, Conner, and most other dancers.

Brazil immigrated to the USA around the age of eighteen. Her three children are from two different guys. She fought for their custody and regularly complained about her exes at work. She is attracted to toxic abusive men. She married a freckled, red haired Tennessean misogynist named Russel Goble, and bore two of his children. This secured her green card. They divorced, she had a third baby with some other guy, and she got a bunch of tattoos to liberate herself. Her ex husband got paid under the table, didn't pay his taxes, and therefore didn't pay her a lot of child support. She hates him, but also talked about him at work all the time. He had a girlfriend in 2019 who Brazil seemed jealous of. She discussed her disdain for his girlfriend at work with regularity. Brazil was unwilling to hire a babysitter for her three young children while she was working nights at Mouse's Ear, and also unwilling to give more visitation time to their dads who wanted to take care of them. Her solution was to have her eight year old daughter and similarly aged son babysit her toddler daughter. She instructed her old man neighbor to occasionally check up on the house while the eight year old was babysitting. On around October 18th of 2019, the toddler's dad got a temporary emergency custody order served to Brazil at Mouse's Ear during working hours. She left work early that shift, to tend to the custody issues. CPS had an unpleasant presence in Brazil's life.

Brazil obtained an older boyfriend while working at Mouse's Ear. He was from New Jersey and became obsessed with her. He stayed with her and the kids, and planned to move to Tennessee to be with her permanently. He stated that he wanted to get married and settle down with her. When Brazil had to fill out her Mouse's Ear “Leave of Absence” form to visit him in New Jersey, she described her leave of absence reason as “hopping on a dick.” That made Ralph Browning chuckle, as Ralph liked Brazil a whole lot and enjoyed reading about her “hopping on a dick.” Most of the men who Brazil let into her personal life were conservative Trump supporters. She is a Trump supporter. She and Khaleesi are friends, and on facebook they discuss their enthusiastic support for the 45th president.

Brazil advertised herself online, in search of various forms of male financial support. I don't know if she did actual escorting, but she regularly gave out her phone number to customers at work, kept in contact with them outside of work, and harvested an online presence as an adult entertainer with links to her real name. She made “friends” with lots of men in a way that is dangerous and beyond what regular strippers do.

Renata Rangel body shamed me at work a lot, both in front of me and during times when she didn't think I could hear her. The main thing about my body that bothered her was my female genital hairs. Renata Rangel was always bothered that I don't have bald genitals. Perhaps her bias against female genital hairs is influenced by the country she is from, home of the Brazilian wax. Brazil also disliked my height, and body shamed me about that sometimes too. She is short, with tiny matchstick legs, very limited curves, and bald genitalia. One time, Brazil was making fun of my body along with a mentally ill dressing room tourist named Roxy. They were both standing by my locker when they didn't think I could hear them. Brazil and Roxy were body shaming me, by discussing a desire to cast a spell on me that would make all of my female genital hairs fall out. Brazil and Roxy were upset and confused as to how I was able to sell so many dances even though I don't shave. Roxy has been discussed in a previous post for having similar conversations with dancer Cali. Brazil and Roxy were bothered that I don't have bald genitals, and they spent a lot of time thinking about my genitals, talking about my genitals. Roxy suggested that they NOT do the spell to make my genital hairs fall out. Roxy stated that if I had bald genitals like her, I'd only sell more dances, because Roxy believed customers would find me even more attractive with bald genitals. Roxy sold almost no dances, as mentioned in previous entries. As mentioned, Brazil's associate Roxy was a hypocritical SJW dressing room hag who body shamed me a lot. Brazil often stared at me while I was naked on stage, making fun of me. She'd later deny making fun of me if I confronted her about it in a cordial manner. She'd say things such as,


She totally looked at “that shit” though, and talked about my body all the time. In my head, I referred to Brazil's obsessive monitoring of my female genital hairs as “Bush Watch.” Sometimes I trimmed more than usual, and she'd nod her head in approval. Sometimes, I'd grow my hair out in a more bushy way, and it incited anger for Brazil. Her preoccupation with being disgusted by my female genital hairs was very creepy and weird, all the more because she always denied her frequent and loud comments. Sometimes if Brazil and I were sitting in the vicinity of one another, she'd loudly start talking about shaving, or getting Brazilian genital waxes. In the shithole country of Brazil, women are told they are not beautiful unless they use many grooming products and get plastic surgery, such as butt lifts. Perhaps immigrating to the USA and becoming a stripper, only to see a tall furry Valkyrie make so much money, fucked with her head too much for her to handle. Perhaps growing up around South American Scalpel Sluts who engage in performative, surgically altered displays of femininity was Brazil's only idea of female attractiveness. Brazil regularly referred to me by using “Bitch” as a pronoun, although she also does that on social media to random people in her posts too. “Bitch” is one of her favorite pronouns to use.

Conner regularly supported Brazil's harassment of me, would never help me if I complained about her harassment, and he reacted as though he thought Brazil needed to be protected in some way. Brazil always knew that Conner was on her “side.” She also keenly understood that Ralph Browning did not like me, so she continued to harass me throughout the entire time that we worked together. I ignored her as much as possible, while she whined to Ralph and Conner that I was harming her in some way. Crybullies are dangerous, because while they victimize themselves by pretending to be vulnerable, they are actually predatory harassers. Brazil used to cuddle with Disgusting Ralph Browning on the show floor, in a way similar to Michelle's cuddling. It was especially gross if I accidentally glanced over at them, because Brazil would make sure to make eye contact with me, smirk and glare in a sinister manner.

Brazil was under the impression that I was bragging to people about using magick to sell dances, even though I wasn't. Therefore, Brazil occasionally came up to me to dramatically cast spells in a mocking tone. At the time, she expressed that she thought magick isn't real. Recently, I noticed Brazil got a pentagram tattoo on her hand and is into pagan stuff now. Perhaps dancing in Tennessee for several years has had a positive effect on her feelings toward heathenism.

Brazil used to approach customers who were sitting at my stage specifically, to ask them if they wanted to buy dances. As mentioned in Raven's post, this was an abnormality specific to Mouse's Ear. However, Brazil often did it specific to when I was on stage. If I did the same thing to her afterwards, Idiot Conner would become upset with me. Brazil had a very peculiar double standard position of privilege at Mouse's Ear. I believe she was able to maintain her position of privilege by complaining to lots of people about being a single immigrant mother with limited child support funds. One time, I got sexually assaulted by a customer who happened to be someone Brazil was hanging out with. I told Conner, who was initially apprehensive about it because he thought I was just trying to harm Brazil, but he removed the customer from the club anyway. Brazil then yelled “BITCH” at me, without any risk of punishment from management. It's always very triggering and traumatic to get sexually assaulted, only to experience further harassment from women who are mad at me for standing up for myself. If I was to reply to Brazil in any way, I'd always get reprimanded, so I almost never said a word to her. She regularly complained about me to Conner and Ralph, as though she was aggressively trying to get me fired. Sometimes, Brazil would do things like walk past me and aggressively brush her tiny body up against me, or if I stood waiting to use the long mirror and she was standing there, she'd stand in front of it for an excessive amount of time, doing nothing except not letting me use it. I ignored all of these behaviors. She is such a disgusting human being in terms of catty petty workplace behavior. While I am much larger than Brazil and could easily beat the fuck out of her until she is a soupy pulp, I always knew there was the double standard, that Conner was in favor of my termination, and that I was always at risk of losing my job for who I am, while Brazil was always garnering sympathy from Conner, The Brownings, and her close ally Raven. One reason I really hate Raven is because of her sympathy for manipulative, abusive Crybullies like Renata. I couldn't do anything about that hostile working environment that Brazil solely created. I don't think Brazil knew the specifics of my history suing clubs or anything like that, but she could smell my blood in the water, and that was enough for her to continue being awful.

Initially, many dancers had a fondness for Brazil because she was a single mother struggling to survive. They understood her struggle, and despite her being an immigrant from Latin America, her story resonated with many of their own problems. So, initially, Brazil's aggressive harassment of me was supported and encouraged by all. After a while though, many dancers came to understand that Brazil is a toxic Crybully. I wasn't the only dancer who Brazil was aggressively horrible to. She expressed a seething dislike for Tall Beautiful Zoey, perhaps due to issues of jealousy. Brazil spread rumors to customers that Zoey was pregnant. Brazil regularly discussed the personal lives of dancers, such as LaNae's personal life, with customers in the workplace.

An ugly guy in his 50s named Ted used to come into Mouse's Ear. He used to be a union millwright before starting his own business. Before Brazil started working there, I enjoyed talking to Ugly Ted about all things trades. His wife had some kind of health problem that prevented her from being “intimate” with him, and he seemed to be looking for someone to help him with his “needs.” I never helped him with such needs, because I am not a whore. I simply sold table dances to him on occasion. But, when Brazil started working at Mouse's Ear, they exchanged phone numbers and become “closer.” I didn't realize that happened until one day when I sat next to him as usual to talk about welding and sell him a dance. He was sitting there texting with Brazil, who was cooking chicken in her home and telling him she was on her way. As anyone would do, I curiously inquired as to why she was texting him details about her life outside of work. He stated they had become “friends.” I thought that was weird, but I still intended to get some money out of him by selling him a song or two, so he bought one or two songs from me. This upset Brazil later on when she found out. She accused me of stealing her customer, even though I met Ugly Ted prior to her working there, and despite the fact that she was not there when I sold the songs. After she was on the show floor that evening and had spoken with Ted, she began angrily accusing me of asking him about her personal life. She began telling other dancers that I was prying into her personal life, when actually it was just a casual conversation with him after he brought her up. For the remainder of my time working at Mouse's Ear, Brazil frequently brought up that day with Ted, as though I had some kind of emotional attachment to the situation. Whorish Brazil successfully had Ted discontinue all conversation with me from then on. Ted wasn't the only customer who Brazil harvested outside-of-work relationships with though. Her various twitter accounts, “sponsor” seeking platforms and non-stripper activities were ever present in her work life. After Brazil become comfortable with harassing me, she'd do weird things like stare at customers I was sitting with from across the room, trying to manifest them over to her. This almost never worked. She'd sit at my stage and begin yelling at me if I spoke to a customer who was also sitting at my stage who she was sitting with. She stated that she was going to kill me in the dressing room when she didn't think I could hear her, and threaten to “punch” me.

Brazil did territorial weird things with chairs, such as place a bandanna on specific chairs she thought belonged to her, and expect me not to sit in the spots where I almost always sat. My solution one day was to just move the entire chair and replace it with a new chair. She became upset with this behavior and expected her allies to support her, by attempting to rally them on the matter.

In terms of aesthetics, Brazil's face is boring-to-unattractive. Most of her online photos are digitally altered in such a way that one might mistake her for someone else. Perhaps she wants plastic surgery, but cannot afford it. Dancer Brandy once stated that Brazil resembles a strange bird. Brazil is not a very good dancer, or in touch with the rhythm of the music. Even though she's not curvy, most of her dancing was butt-oriented. She'd often vibrate it awkwardly for customers, and complain about Conner not playing enough of her kind of music, which was basically just typical crappy strip club music. As previously mentioned, I don't think she'd do so well as a dancer, were it not for the voice and accent. Brazil was in the running for Mouse's Ear's “Entertainer of The Year” earlier this year, but something weird happened at Mouse's Ear recently that I am unaware the details of, and I'm not sure if she still works there. Brazil has dabbled in other career paths, like trying to run her own Knoxville fat removal machine center, where rich fat ladies go when they don't want to exercise. She also bartends and instructs exercise classes. Over all, she has a sad stressful life of courting abusive douche bags, taking care of family through gig work, body shaming smoking hot Valkyries with gorgeous bushes, being obsessed with nasty ass misogynist Brazilian beauty ideals, and supporting jingoist Trump stuff. I’d hate to be her, and sometimes wonder what her blood pressure is like.

I knew a dancer from Brazil who was very similar to Renata, years back. I was shocked to see this other Brazilian in a zoom call mediation hearing with me last year, negotiating a multi-million dollar class action settlement with the rest of us dancer plaintiffs. This other Brazilian had joined the class action I was a part of, along with some 30+ others. I strongly disliked this young lady who had courted management sympathy, but I was also happy to have her in on the call, putting our differences aside, to shake down our former employers for all the money they stole from us. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Renata is smart enough to do something similar. I hope she does. Her family's bank accounts deserve nothing less.