Mouse's Ear Memoirs: The Contract
Here is the Mouse’s Ear contract.
Here is the bullshit Mouse’s Ear “relationship selection” that many corporate clubs make, to create the illusion of choice.
I forgot who told me this, but after Mouse’s Ear fired me, the Brownings presented some type of a survey about dancer job satisfaction and their desire to continue being contractors. Then, one-by-one, the Brownings had each dancer come into the office and fill it out in front of them, while they watched what each dancer was writing. So, it was a fake and uneducated written statement for the most part, in a small office with their bosses hoovering over them. Presumably this was done to cover their asses after firing me.
Outsiders have often asked me why dancers aren’t mad about these kinds of practices or why they don’t “do something” about it. Sometimes they’ll sue or strike, but the overwhelming amount of dancers will become angry if they are described as exploited, lied to, stolen from, or legally manipulated. It’s not because those things aren’t happening— it’s because they are in total denial about it and are personally offended at the mentioning of it. It’s a lot like a battered woman who really loves her husband and gets mad when outsiders point out that he beats the fuck out of her.