StripperWeb is Gone. disappeared from the internet last year, during Mouse’s Ear Memoirs. I’m still really sad about it. I’ve been using StripperWeb to research my jobs since about 2008. I have been fortunate enough to meet a lot of long term forum participants.

Laurie C., former owner of Carnaval and Golden Dragon in downtown Portland, was one of the first people to introduce me to StripperWeb. OregonChick was her avatar name. HoboStripper, otherwise known as Tara Burns, came to Portland in 2008 and worked at Carnaval with me. Her StripperWeb name was Lena. They were two of the first StripperWeb people to be kind to me, with many more around the country to follow.

One of my favorite things about StripperWeb was the club review area titled “mileage.” Mileage meant how many disgusting cheap whores worked at the club, scabbing and letting gross men touch them in exchange for small sums of money. Clubs like that were called “High Mileage.” StripperWeb dancers could put a description of just how grotesque the situation was. When searching for a new place to work, I deliberately sought out “air dance” mileage clubs, or “light contact” mileage. High Mileage prostitute-fake-dancers are often mean to dancers who have boundaries. High Mileage prostitute-fake-dancers often have raspy voices from using hard drugs, bad boob jobs, cliche tramp stamp tattoos, facial deformities such as weak chins, and thin lips that make them look like sock puppets. They are only able to make money by letting rapey men touch them. Their ugly rapey customers don’t like to spend a lot of money on beautiful women, or pay them simply for existing. So, lurking on StripperWeb was a way for me to avoid those kinds of fucking creeps and the bouncers who validate their existence.

I needed StripperWeb, and it’s gone now. As much as I dislike Reese Piper, she wrote a fabulous article about the site that wonderfully describes StripperWeb. Here is the link: StripperWeb.