Why is Reese Piper So Obsessed with Me?
Reese Piper is the fake name of an internet personality and prostitute who sometimes works in strip clubs. She is envious of the media attention that I get from suing strip clubs, so she spends time posting negative comments whenever she finds an online article about me that positively describes stripper labor rights. While Reese has limited experience working in strip clubs, she thinks that dancers fighting for our legal rights and unionizing is a bad idea. She does encourage forming “collectives,” although with her autism and tendency to sell sexual intercourse to nasty gross rich guys in NYC, she has never formed a collective business herself. Her true goal is to become a famous writer and retire from “sex work.” But, she sucks and can only score lame podcast appearances with horny male losers who nobody cares about. She is also weird looking. She will likely continue to take dick from random gross dudes for a long time to come. I’ve reached out to Reese with hate mail over the years, but she’s yet to respond directly. She’d rather talk shit about stripper unions on twitter, and track down articles about me. What a weird person.
If anybody knows Reese Piper’s real name, or any other information about her that I might be interested in, please contact me. Thanks!