Mettler's had a dancer who went by Genevieve. She will not be doxxed, though I don't think she hides the fact that she's a stripper anyway. When I first started working at Mettler's, I heard that Genevieve was also a vegan, so I approached her to talk about veganism. However, she was aloof, almost unresponsive, and initially expressed no interest in speaking with me. She maintained friendships with Metter’s staff, which sickened me. I also noticed that her cosmetics were not vegan. Genevieve had a crush on manager Woody, and regularly gave him lap dances. This caused dismay to dancers such as Meme and myself.
Genevieve was a Canadian from Vancouver, BC. Her expressed distaste for American culture was comedic, and like a clown she trounced around the club, discussing her hatred for Americans, all the while living and breathing throughout Mankato like she loved it, socializing, adding facebook friends, going out for drinks and aging gracefully.
“In Canada it's so much better in every way!” she would drunkenly shout about every subject that came up, social or personal or aesthetic or otherwise. She was a white woman who fit many mainstream beauty standards. She had celiac disease, which caused her belly to bulge. I didn't know how long she had been in Mankato, except that it was multiples of years with no end in sight. Why would she ever want to return to Canada? If she was in Canada, she couldn't brag about being Canadian to all of her peers. I liked to imagine Genevieve in clown shoes when she went on stage, with a big red clown nose and Canadian flag.
Genevieve had a boyfriend from Pakistan who was in his early twenties. She met him in the strip club and became his cougar girlfriend. He was a student up at the university, and he too hated America. I knew this, because she talked about him incessantly, making statements like,
“America is no different than Arab countries with honor killings!” and “You really need to find a Middle-Eastern guy if you want someone who respects women!”
Genevieve wanted street cred, so she would often go on about the rough streets of Vancouver, BC, and how hood she was, making statements like,
“I grew up in a pretty rough part of B.C., real working class area.”
After I worked at Mettler's for a few months, Genevieve decided to be nice to me. She confided in me that she was getting casually raped by her boyfriend. When I told her she should dump him, she became defensive of him, because he was new to Western culture and she didn't think it was his fault that he didn't know what “No” means. We became friendly acquaintances at work. After I left Mettler's, she continued to help me out, in a way, with my lawsuit. Even as Genevieve tried to help, she still didn't understand what misclassification means. Her inability to understand what misclassification means is a source of great frustration to me. Here are some of the things she wrote to me on facebook:
“Hey! Thank you for launching the suit. We think it was a part of the beginning of positive change. But we need a lot more change. Moose was about to lower the house Fee's but didn't go through with it. I'm sorry but I don't want to be a part of the suit. I want to remain an independent contractor privately.”
“Not enough girls were working & moose finally asked what he can do to inspire girls to want to work. He agreed to get us couches & then he was going to lower house... But since we all have been making more $ with the couches I think he feels like He's done enough.”
“All He's lightened up was no more drinking restrictions on girls who had that...But woody still enforces it regardless.”
“Most of us feel that with the location the set up is the best option. It wouldn't work for any of us if we had schedule, & nobody would work @ 5 given the option Nobody would stay to 2...The contract offers you the option to be an employee... minimum wage & u give all tips/earnings to them. No health insurance. They need to offer an employment option like Larry flynt's clubs do.”
“Brandi, only today I was sent an article about you & mettlers, which lead me to your blog. I know that you know that i don't want to partake in your class action. I am for some of your pushes. My father is a union negotiator so my ideals differ also i' m not sure if you know what I did with Rci's insurance.”
“I've passed on the info. She doesn't want to be involved with other dancers much & wants to be private. She met with a lawyer on her own who told her the best she could do is a class action with other dancers & lastnight she came to me saying other dancers tried but it was thrown out so I guess no hope. So that's why I came to you. She's moving out of state in 2 weeks so if she can meet with the lawyer than good. I'm sure from a distance it can still work. She's been asked by current dancers to make a change since her job isn't at risk. I feel weird wondering what I could do since I'm out too. I'm set on unionizing. Would you join a union?”
“I didn't think I would be quit for good & have the time to make a change. At least it feels surreal that if I want to now is the time. I have very little beefs with mettlers. I want there to be a union for all dancers in minnesota. It's a bit messy, but I think will work. Maybe mn has a different laws, but usually independent contractors (construction, truckers, actors, etc) get to have unions. Girls might be resistant to union fees. It's less than house fees when house fees are outrageous. It's complex how within unions typically a person with seniority has more privilages... yet in the world of dancing age makes you less profitable. So I don't know how that would work. I passed the lawyers info on to her & we'll see what she does. She's moving out of state in 2 weeks. That shouldn't be a big problem if she joins a class action.”
“I am good & I apologize am not taking the time to read past your last msg. I have no clue what's going on at mettlers. I don't have enough spare time nor enough soul urge to work on encouraging change. I did pass on your Info to the woman who wanted to join your journey. I haven't had communicatio since then to know what she is doing.”