"World's Most Combative Stripper"

Some no-name caught wind of my Centerfold win and decided to write an article about it without ever contacting me or attempting to get permission. He got things wrong in the article, though it was mostly complimentary. I disagree that I am “combative” in the strip club workplace though. I am usually very civilized, quiet and keep to myself. Once in a while I’ve been known to politely write a letter to management, letting them know about labor violations. If I get sexually assaulted, I will assert my boundaries with predatory customers. None of that is “combative.”

I’ve had the misfortune of meeting hundreds of more combative strippers across the USA. They’re wearing hair hats, selling sex in the back room, and threatening to murder strippers who don’t put out like they do. They’re donning long pieces of plastic on top of their natural finger nails, throwing punches at any attractive woman who threatens their income flow, ridding the club of actual talent and beauty, and they’re requesting the DJ to play the most obnoxious, nagging, ass popping, degrading music imaginable. They’re body shaming svelte women, they’re stealing out of purses left in the dressing room, and they’re not interested in labor rights in the slightest. The liberal media, SJW attorneys and ignorant strippers in denial don’t want to talk about them. So, I get labeled combative instead. As I drift farther from the regressive left, I care less and less about concealing the truth of these matters.