Mankato Memoirs: Jacob Davis and CADA
Jacob Davis was a kitchen cook during my early days at Mettler’s. I almost never become romantically involved with coworkers, but Mankato residents are incredibly boring people and I was lonely. He was a hillbilly from California who intrigued me.
I met Jacob Davis on the weekend before Halloween. I was searching for the next dweeb to hustle on the night of October 29th, when I turned to see a four-eyed dork in renaissance faire wear, leaning against a high top table by the kitchen. I thought to myself before speaking to him, “This loser looks slightly less disgusting than most men. I will talk to him and see if he wants a dance.” I whispered dirty things into his ear, and he revealed to me that he worked for the club as a cook. He said he wanted a dance anyway, but that he needed to go get his money. I told him to go away, but he lingered around me, trying to show me a drum that he made out of wood. I knew my boundaries were being violated then, and this put up a red flag, but I ignored it because he was cute and I thought maybe I could get him to do a dance later. I forgot about him until he returned hours later with some friends. He had changed into regular clothes and was no longer wearing a leather pouch around his neck like that of a renaissance faire attendee.
Unfortunately when we got together outside of work, I was sexually assaulted by him and had to file a police report about it. Everyone at Mettler’s knew, and he was fired almost immediately after the owners found out. I think some people at Mettler’s thought I was just talking about it in order to sue the club or include him in my lawsuit somehow, but I did not include his actions in the Mettler’s sexual harassment claims whatsoever. His actions occurred outside of work, the beginning of our friendship was consensual, and Mettler’s took prompt actions to get rid of him. I’m not interested in going into too much detail about Jacob Davis, because it is too difficult to write about. Similarly, I’m not going to include a photograph of him in this post, because he is an ugly hillbilly and I am embarrassed to have been interested in such a person.
Ashley and Cole were a husband and wife juggalo team at Mettler’s-- Ashley a waitress and Cole a cook. Ashley and I became quick work friends. After Jacob assaulted me, I told Ashley, who told her husband Cole.
“I can't work with him or I'm going to stab him,” Cole said to me when he found out about Jacob. Cole was drunk when he revealed to me that he was the first one to tell the owners before they fired Jacob. During the whole time that I was sitting there talking to Cole about what had happened, all I could think of was how strange it was that he was a fan of ICP lyrics, which contain so much violence and misogyny. But, I like Ashley and Cole and enjoyed having them as coworkers at Mettler’s.
It was after Jacob Davis that I became acquainted with a group called CADA in Mankato. They provide advocacy and resources for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence. When I filed a police report about Jacob, a CADA advocate accompanied me. A crappy creepy cop named Mohamed Mohamed took my report. CADA’s center provided me with legal resources, support groups and other things I needed while in Mankato living my life. I really love them and am thankful for groups like CADA.
Jacob Davis hired a lawyer and due to a lack of evidence, never got in trouble for anything he did to me.