Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Chanel

Chanel was a Mouse's Ear dancer who suffered from what seemed to be Tourette's Syndrome, a neurological disorder that she was born with. She isn't getting doxxed, just acknowledged. Chanel grunted and eeped with tics during polite conversation. She told me that she was born with a “neurological disorder,” but did not specify what kind of a neurological disorder. I didn't ask if it was Tourette's Syndrome, but from the sound of those eeps, I'm pretty sure it was. Her voice was grizzled from prolonged cigarette smoke inhalation. Her hairs were thin blonde strings barely covering her scalp. Her skeletal body looked like it was dying. I don't know what all her medical conditions were. One could see most of her vertebrae while she was on stage. I thought she was older than me by her appearance, but she was actually a few years younger.

Chanel commuted an hour and a half to work, from her home town of Johnson City. She used to work at the Johnson City Mouse's Ear. She was one of the dancers who informed me that the Brownings intentionally burned down the Johnson City Mouse's Ear for insurance money. She didn't like having to commute to Knoxville after the fire. She worked for the Brownings close to a decade. They were fond of her because she is sweet, scabby, and submissive. Sometimes she'd get a hotel after work because she was too tired to drive back at night, but she never stayed at the ones I stayed at. She is a multi-generational Appalachian like me, but she doesn't resemble the ones I've described in previous posts. She has sky blue eyes and a pointy, bird-like face, with a large nose. She has long limbs like Zoey and I. She had a lot of regulars who adored her sweetness and long slender legs, so even though she had her eeping tics and looked skeletal, she did pretty damned well for herself most of the time. After I was fired and some dancers were bashing me in the dressing room, Chanel expressed mild disappointment that I was fired, and referred to me as “that girl who makes all that money.” Chanel wasn't always so nice to me though.

On one of my first shifts when I was in the dressing room, Chanel approached me, having never met me before, and said with no context, faintly rolling her neck,

“We don't put up with no STEALIN' around here!”

Sometimes other dancers do steal from each other, and newcomers are treated with suspicion, especially if those newcomers are quiet and mysterious. I just figured Chanel was your average retarded, paranoid, long-time strip club fixture accusing me of false things before getting to know me. I've worked with a dozen or so Chanels over the past sixteen years, and they never cease to be some of the dumbest. I wonder what Coco Chanel would think about them using her name, or if any of the Chanels can tell me about the controversial biography of Coco Chanel. One time, the Mouse's Ear Chanel misplaced an ugly green satin robe she had, panicked while searching for it, said it was stolen, and repeatedly glanced at me with suspicion. A dancer named Codi told her to check her bag, which she did, and the robe was in there.

Chanel used to “cut throat” me if I was sitting with a customer who she previously danced for over the years. It is a disrespectful thing to do, regardless of how long someone has worked at a strip club. That doesn't usually happen at normal places, but as mentioned, it did happen at Mouse's Ear. One of my customers bought a dance from Chanel, and later informed me that she was nodding off with her eyes closed during the dance. He suspected she was on some kind of opiates. I had wondered myself if Chanel used opiates, even though she eeped and jerked with her neurological tics. Coco Chanel sure liked her morphine.

Chanel believed that her mother's house was haunted by unfriendly ghosts, and she was anxious to get them out of there. She talked about it from time to time, and discussed the hundreds of dollars she paid a professional medium, who said she could convince the ghosts to go away. I think the Native American aspect of the medium's lineage had a positive impression on Chanel's faith in her ability to remove the ghosts. Apparently the first session of removal did not work completely, so Chanel had to pay her a few hundred more dollars for a second round. It's a good thing Chanel had her regulars to take care of paying for that ghost infestation. Those ghosts can be worse than cockroaches.

Chanel was in a terrible car accident a year or two ago. Her car flipped twice, and she had to be cut out of the car. Alex Cave made a GoFundMe for her after the accident, and stated that Chanel had a “guardian angel” watching out for her. By that logic, I wonder if Alex Cave thinks innocent people who die in car accidents don't have angels caring for them, and that's why they died. Maybe that's why the dumb bitch was always complicit about so many dancers driving home drunk after work. Hey man, if anyone gets killed by a drunk driver-- IT'S KARMA AND ANGELS HATE YOU. Alex's GoFundMe for Chanel was meant to cover Chanel's medical expenses and time off of work. I wonder if it ever occurred inside of Alex's midwit brain that if there were appropriate socialist systems in place to take care of medical emergencies, many GoFundMe drives wouldn't need to happen.

I was really surprised to learn that Chanel had a baby during the pandemic. Physiologically, I didn't think her body could nourish a fetus to full term, but she did it, and her baby looks healthy. Chanel also looks like she gained fifty pounds during the pandemic, and the weight looks good on her. I'm happy for her.

Chanel never needed to be worried about me stealin' from her, because that's just not something I'd do to her. There was another dancer who started at Mouse’s Ear the same time I did, but who was much more gregarious and social. Simpleton Chanel assumed I'd be stealin' because I'm quiet and solitary, but she probably should've watched her belongings around her gregarious friends more than me. She was also incorrect in stating that she didn't “put up” with stealin'. In fact, a dancer stole $200 from Chanel one night while I was working, and Chanel did put up with it. That dancer went by Natalie, but her real name is Madison Rae Gladstone. Please stay tuned for the next post, as we explore the psyche of Madison Rae Gladstone, in all her stripper-purse-picking complexities.