Eric Sprankle Info Request

One internet personality that I really dislike is Eric Sprankle. He’s an academic who is very active on social media. He wants everyone to know that he thinks “sex work” is very good and acceptable. Lots of “sex workers” retweet and repost his stuff online. Eric Sprankle isn’t a “sex worker” himself at all, nor has he ever been, to my knowledge. I’ve messaged him in the past, asking about his thoughts or comments on labor rights related to misclassification and strip club lawsuits. I received no response. I distrust random men online who draw attention to themselves online by aligning themselves with “sex workers.” It seems like a weird cry for attention, and a way to bolster his academic career. The types of “sex workers” who retweet him are generally opposed to the lawsuits and specific labor rights issues. They’re more of the hobbyist and tourist types who annoy me. I think Eric Sprankle is a shill, and I wish he wasn’t famous by riding the coat tails of actual adult entertainers. I wish him harm. I think it’s unfortunate that the voice of a horny male loser is amplified, rather than the voices of women who work in adult entertainment to earn a living.

If you know any salacious, damning, or interesting information about Eric Sprankle, please send it my way, anonymously or not. If you’d simply like to talk shit about him with me, or dislike his vibe, I’d be very happy to talk to you too.

Attorney John Kristensen

Over the past few years, I’ve been hearing horror stories from dancers, about an attorney named John Kristensen. He represents dancers in misclassification cases. Multiple dancers have informed me that he takes absurdly large cuts of settlements, gives them bad advice, is difficult to get a hold of, and treats dancers like shit. I don’t think I’ve ever met this man. I know he runs a website specifically targeted at getting dancer clients, and advertises himself online as the go-to guy for suing strip clubs in California and other states.

I’m making this post partly as a warning, because I’ve spoken with enough credible clients of his to believe them. I am also curious to hear more information about him. I was warned by one of his former clients that he’ll get mad if I post about him, and he’ll try to legally punish me for it in some way, but I don’t give a fuck. I want to know more about the lawyer who is being mean to brave dancers suing their clubs, when he should be doing his best job as their representative, taking a reasonable cut (1/3), and talking to his clients with respect. There’s so much ptsd that comes with being a dancer and suing one’s club. The last thing someone needs in that situation is a lawyer who adds on more stress and trauma.

Please contact me if you have credible information about the bad behaviors of Attorney John Kristensen! I won’t give anyone your name if you don’t want me to. I received permission to post this from former clients of his, who will also remain anonymous.

Dixie Rose Country Rock Cabaret

In the Spring of 2022, I briefly worked at a strip club in Peoria, Illinois. It’s called Dixie Rose Country Rock Cabaret, or Dixie Rose for short. This strip club was operated (and allegedly owned) by a young woman who went by Jessica. While many people mistakenly claim that working for a woman boss is better, I know that sentiment is false. I know that “girl boss” culture is fucking disgusting. Jessica made it mandatory to remove clothing on stage, even if nobody was tipping. It was mandatory to be nude during lap dances. There was no security actively preventing assault during the dances, and it was an overall disgusting clientele base of mostly creepy old white males who Jessica procured somehow. On weekend nights, it became more of a “cool” hangout spot for the 20-something and 30-something loser dork types who think they’re hip for going to strip clubs with friends.

Jessica is a stereotypically attractive woman with dyed blonde hair and waifish body. She had a large photo of Farrah Fawcett on the wall by the stage. Jessica often dressed in retro clothing that resembled what Fawcett would wear. Surely Jessica has been the victim of assault herself at some point in her life, so I’m not sure why she encouraged so much degradation at her own club. That’s what blew my mind about working at Dixie Rose in the handful of shifts that I drove out there from Champaign, Illinois.

Jessica often had rich guy friends come into the bar specifically to see her bartend, and to play grab-ass at the bar with her small number of loyal prostitute-fake-dancers who worked there. Jessica expected me to sit at the bar to hang out with her rich guy friends, often without them paying me beforehand, or giving me any financial incentive to want to give them my attention. Jessica was unable to understand why I wouldn’t want to give someone my attention for free. I was referred to as a “rebel” by her staff, for sitting and waiting for paying customers who didn’t push my boundaries. The prostitute-fake-dancers at this club didn’t really hustle in the normal way that experienced strippers do. It was depressing.

One of Jessica’s prostitute-fake-dancers, Nova, who prided herself on selling lots of “lap dances” where she got fondled, pulled me aside to give me hustling and fashion advice. She didn’t like my flannel and said I looked “homeless” while wearing it. Saying my flannel makes me look homeless was a power move to harass me, by pretending to be concerned about my appearance through the use of an insult. I don’t get jealous of ugly prostitutes who sell more dances than me, but it is difficult to make money in their presence. Whenever Nova took someone back to do a lap dance, she’d make sure to turn and look at me triumphantly, as though she was proud of herself for outselling me. Whatever amount of charm, good conversation, and prettiness that I have to offer still can’t always compete with ugly prostitutes who let disgusting men run their hands all over their bodies and in their butt cracks. I don’t think it’s a very fair competition when that’s going on.

There were lots of rules at Dixie Rose, such as making dancers work three days per week minimum, making dancers stay all night until the club closed, and for me in particular, dancing to “I’m A Slave 4 U” by Britney Spears on stage. Stupid Cunt Jessica made dancers give customers full refunds if the dancer didn’t get fully nude during lap dances.

Dixie Rose was an hour and a half drive from my home, and I was barely making any money there. I was stressed in other areas of my life at the time, so I just left voluntarily. But, I was misclassified without a doubt, in the most degrading of ways— mandatory nudity, mandatory stage rotation, pressure to engage with customers. There’s a special place in hell for women like Jessica. She acts really preppy and reserved, but also bubbly with her customers. She seemed to know who I was within my first shift or two, and was offended at my presence in a weird snotty way.

If anyone would like to sue Dixie Rose for misclassification, sexual harassment, or any related issue, I am willing to give a statement and provide whatever help I can for your case. If any anti-trafficking organizations would like to hold Dixie Rose accountable, I would be happy to give a statement. If anyone gets arrested for murdering Jessica for any reason whatsoever, I would be happy to donate to your commissary and legal defense. Just hit me up through the email address in the contact tab. I hate that fucking bitch with a passion.

I didn’t have the energy to do in-depth research on Dixie Rose or Jessica during that time, and I don’t have that kind of energy now. But, I’ll definitely help out if anyone else wants to get the ball rolling.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Conclusion

I thought the Mouse's Ear Memoirs conclusion post would be more profound. Now that we've reached the end, I am just happy the series is over with. I didn't mean for it to drag on for two years. There isn't much for me to say about Mouse's Ear and Knoxville that I haven't already expressed over the past two years.

Americans in Appalachia won the American Revolution by being a fiercely independent rag-tag team of guerrilla fighters, and for that they should be proud. I think it's sad that so many of their descendants are dependent on SSRIs, unhealthy foods, and anti-union corporate propaganda. Whatever independent team spirit that was used two hundred years ago is no longer effective now. It has been hijacked to make many Tennesseans think they're better off as fake “independent contractors,” in a variety of fields. Hopefully some day that changes.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Recordings

I haven’t posted in more than seven months. I’m not a very tech-savvy person. I kept delaying this one, because I didn’t feel like figuring out how to convert my Mouse’s Ear recordings to posts. I still wanted to make a recordings post, because I said I would. I don’t want it to seem like I’m bluffing about the recordings. I put two (of many recordings) on YouTube, to show that they exist. I forgot that I had a YouTube channel until recently. The sound quality isn’t the greatest. I took my digital camera, recorded the audio recordings with the digital camera, and then uploaded the digital camera videos to YouTube. So, they’re recordings of recordings.

There will be one more Mouse’s Ear Memoirs post after this one, to conclude the series. I didn’t mean for it to go on this long. Until then, here are links to two recordings:

Buddy Browning Harassing Me to Tip

Buddy Browning Firing Me

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Eulogizing Ralph Browning

Throughout this series, I've spent a lot of time describing my peers in a negative manner. While I still dislike scabs, the focus should primarily be on powerful patriarchal figures who perpetuate and benefit from the oppressive system. Maybe I've failed in that regard, because I get so emotional about my fellow strippers letting me down. Maybe I focus on them too much, rather than our common oppressor. The Brownings were the worst, ugliest people from Mouse's Ear.

Ralph Browning died over a year ago now, when Mouse's Ear Memoirs was in full swing. For those who've been reading the site for a long time, you'll know that I thought it was hilarious when my former DJ, Larry Bell, killed himself. Centerfold owner Fred also died while I was suing him a few years ago. They say good things happen in threes, and Ralph dying during Mouse's Ear Memoirs tickles me to no end.

Stupid Bitch Alex Cave posted a nice little remembrance about Ralph Browning on her facebook. Several of Ralph's exploited, misclassified dancers “liked” posts that described him positively, and I'm pretty sure some of them attended his services last year. When scrolling through those posts last year, I kept thinking about emancipated slaves who chose to remain living with their former owners after the civil war ended. Surface-level, Ralph was a sweet little old man, but as we've covered already on this series, he was still a terrible person. I am happy he died. I hope Buddy, Conner, and Robbie die soon too. Stupid Bitch Alex Cave wrote something last year about how she thought Ralph deserved a much longer retirement after selling the club. Ralph was only in his early sixties, but he looked very feeble and unhealthy for his age. I thought I'd write a small eulogy about Ralph Browning, to counter Alex's facebook blurb. Here it goes:

Ralph Browning was an exploitative strip club owner who regularly sniffed cocaine. He purchased his cocaine with the time and money that he stole from countless exploited women on a nightly basis, over a period of decades. Ralph and his abusive brother Buddy owned Mouse's Ear in Knoxville, where they spent most of their waking hours making women get totally naked, not paying them an hourly wage, charging them to work, making them wear damaging footwear, and gas lighting those who stood up for themselves.

Ralph and Buddy rarely invested money in making the club a better place to work. Interior mold constantly irritated the sinuses of their workers, to the point that many of them developed asthma and other respiratory issues that will probably effect them for many years into the future. The carpet of Mouse's Ear was saturated with bacteria and germs, the fumes of which permeated throughout the building. Plumbing pipes burst open at Mouse's Ear from time to time, which caused feces filled water to rain down from the ceiling to the show floor. If Ralph and Buddy needed to close the club early because it was raining poop, they never gave the dancers a refund on their illegal house fees. Ralph didn't care, really. He only wanted everyone to like him in the short term, to avoid conflict. He acted like a nice old grandpa. He was the good cop in a dynamic that he and his brother created, to rob women of their time.

Ralph Browning was a time thief if there ever was one. His actions made it clear that he did not respect the precious time on Earth of vulnerable working women. He stole their hours. He stole their knee and hip cartilage. Ralph Browning stole house fees. Ralph Browning stole dance cuts. Ralph Browning stole Title VII protections and a right to a safe working environment. Ralph Browning made his employees give dances at 2-for-1 prices, and when DJ Chris Conner didn't like someone for standing up for themselves, Ralph Browning thought it was funny to steal even more from those individuals, by intentionally announcing 2-for-1 dances when those individuals were about to make a sale. Ralph Browning pretended like a right to unionize didn't exist. Ralph Browning degraded his workers with a soft smile on his face, so much that some of them called him a nice grandpa. Time Thief Ralph Browning was still evil though. He didn't deserve a retirement at all, not after stealing money from workers that could've been put into a pension for their retirements. Ralph Browning stole countless hours away from working mothers who would've spent more time with their families, if given a choice. Ralph Browning stole quality food and leisure time from women who were much less powerful than he was. Stupid Bitch Alex Cave was wrong when stating that Ralph deserved a longer retirement. Ralph didn't deserve a retirement at all. In fact, Ralph Browning should have died even earlier than he did. He was always on stolen time. Good riddance, Ralph Browning. I’m glad I had the pleasure to retrieve all that you stole from me right before you died, and I can only hope that my lawsuit contributed to your declining health.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: On Settling

Here is my Mouse's Ear settlement from the NLRB. It's not an impressive dollar amount. The NLRB calculates my back pay settlements this way:

I report a certain income number to the IRS. The IRS makes me give them a percentage of my self-reported income. I am misclassified as “self-employed,” so I have to pay the IRS, rather than receiving a return check. The more self-employed money that I report to the IRS, the more money I have to pay to the IRS, so that illegal aliens from Latin America can have free healthcare and free college tuition. Paying the IRS my stripper money is very important, for funding public school programs about gender reassignment and critical race theory. The IRS needs my stripper money for Ukraine, obviously, and I am more than happy to give it to them for all these causes. I report this same self-employed income number to the NLRB, for consistency in reporting between the two government organizations. The NLRB has assured me that they don't communicate with the IRS to check for consistency in reporting, but I do not trust what the government tells me, even if it's the NLRB telling me. So, I like to maintain consistency when reporting income. From this self-reported income number, the NLRB calculates how much money I would have made working at the club from the time I was fired, until settlement is reached. The Brownings were happy to settle for the calculation that the NLRB pitched to them.

My NLRB back pay from Mouse's Ear was even smaller, because the club shut down for a while during COVID. During the COVID shut downs, clubs that got sued for back pay did not have to pay their illegally fired employees for the time the club was shut down. For example, I know another dancer got illegally fired right before COVID. She successfully did an NLRB claim during COVID, and only got $500 in back pay. Her club was in California and closed for most of COVID.

Here is the private individual lawsuit settlement that Bradley Manewith and Adelaide Pagano helped me get. My check accounts for every unpaid hour, every house fee, every tip to staff, and every cut of every song. My lawyers negotiated the settlement to be up to $20,000, so that they could get paid for their time as well, without cutting into anything that I was owed. They get one third of that $20,000. Slimy loser lawyers try to take more than one third in their agreements, and I encourage all dancers to seek out lawyers with a 1/3 contingency agreement. It would have been nice to get punitive damages, but punitive damages are so difficult to prove. Making this wonderful series has alleviated some of my need for punitive damages. It took Buddy and Ralph a long time to go up to $20,000, but we got it, thanks to a commitment from my lawyers and myself to asking for more.

Maybe you are surprised that my settlements from Mouse's Ear didn't give me more money. I only worked there for six months, and I took a lot of time off for vacations. I kept track of every hour and dollar stolen from me, and got it all back. Dancers who work at clubs for three years, and who consistently go to work without taking a lot of time off, get a lot more money in their settlements. For example, I was a part of a class action with a dancer who received over $60,000 in her portion of our settlement. She worked at the same club for several years, and she was owed over $60,000. If I worked at Mouse's Ear for a full year, my settlement would've been around $40,000. Three years would've been around $120,000. A class action with multiple plaintiffs would've been in the millions, as is advertised in news articles about strip club class actions. My settlements are smaller, because I don't work at places for very long. Perhaps that is another reason why clubs try to fire me early on-- to avoid racking up debt they know they will pay back to me later.

Most of my settlement agreements do not allow me to publicly talk about how much I made. The original language in the Mouse's Ear settlement included a non-disclosure. I asked to remove the non-disclosure, because it's important to talk about publicly. Surprisingly, the Brownings agreed to remove it. Perhaps the Brownings didn't object, because they were selling the club to Deja Vu, and they didn't care about the consequences of dancers knowing how much I got in the settlements. Keeping my previous settlement amounts a secret has always been the club owner's decision. Sometimes I'm not even allowed to call them “settlements,” but “resolutions.” Sometimes I'm not allowed to talk about the settlements at all, with any language or acknowledgment that it's over. I always ask to take out as many of the non-disclosures as possible, because transparency is important to me.

Having my lifestyle requires a lot of money to be spent on things like hotels, vehicle maintenance, to-go food, relocation expenses, and vacation time off to heal from trauma. I get kind of nihilistic with my money saving habits. I question why I would want to save anything in a world that could end tomorrow, when I could take a vacation instead. I'm not sure why so many people want to sue me for writing truthful things about them on the internet, when they will get nothing out of it but legal bills. If Brittany Wood sued Mouse's Ear, she could've made over $100,000 with the amount of time that she worked there. Instead, she's thinking of suing me for including her in this wonderful series. People do the darnedest things.

I explained my financial situation to Elyssa Cabral around the time that I was fired. I told her about how poor I still am, even though I've sued all these clubs, about how expensive it is to live in hotels and move around, about how much of it is a vicious cycle, and even when I do get a regular job, fucking freaks are bothered that I won't let them sexually harass me or initiate a conversation with me about being a former stripper. One of the many irritating misconceptions about me is that I am rich, or that I do not struggle financially. I am bringing this up again, because NLRB attorney Katie Miller read my messages with Elyssa Cabral during the investigation, then reacted to them with me in her office. She was surprised to read the parts about my financial struggles. In the office with me, Katie Miller was like, “Really?” in a way that suggested she felt better about helping me if I was struggling. I was just sitting there in her office, thinking about how even if I did save my money properly and did not struggle, my NLRB claims would still be just as valid and Meritorious. The illegal termination, harassment, misclassification, and fucked up workplace would still warrant Meritorious claims. I'm not sure what business it is of Katie Miller's to be concerned with my financial situation and how much I am “getting” out of these lawsuits, except to calculate the correct amount according to my IRS numbers and “make whole” my situation. I'm not sure why I tend to understand legal interpretations more than actual lawyers. It was her job to investigate whether or not the claims were true, regardless of who I am as a person. Again, I thank myself for collecting so much evidence and advocating for myself, not Katie Miller.

Stupid Bitch Alex Cave has posted a variety of memes throughout this series over the past year, negatively shit posting about “never settling,” and negatively discussing settlements. Alex Cave is a stupid bitch in Knoxville who knows very little about fighting back or standing up for oneself with no support. She consistently harassed me in the workplace because I wouldn't give her more of my money, by body shaming me, calling me by my real name in front of customers, and encouraging other dancers to harass me. Alexandra Cave's life sucks so much more than mine, despite my struggles. So, she as a person does not care if I win or settle, and those shit posts were only made to belittle me and my decision to do so. I have discussed Settling Versus Going to Trial a number of times on this site already. I wish it didn't need to be revisited, but there wasn't much for me to gain by going to trial. The Brownings were willing to pay me every dollar I was owed, in addition to paying my lawyers for their time. The case was not a class action with other people depending on me. Settling is a personal decision, an emotional decision, and there's no shame in doing it. I have consoled other strippers on their sadness of settling, versus going for a big win. If other strippers who are experiencing turmoil or confusion on whether or not to settle, I invite you to contact me to discuss the risks and consequences of both decisions. Stupid Bitch Alex Cave, and people like her, are meaningless garbage in your lives. Stupid Bitch Alex Cave was always just a low-grade strip club manager harassing me for not submitting, and I reject everything that a dumb cunt like her stands for. Her ugly boyfriend looks like the fat balding leper from Braveheart.

It's interesting that she doesn't consider humping that guy a way of settling. She's going to school for journalism right now, but I can't imagine she will succeed in anything, what with her inability to recognize the Brownings for the garbage that they are.

Strip clubs will continue to misclassify, regardless of having to pay settlements or lose lawsuits. As stated before on this site, it is in their best economic interests to continue misclassifying, even if the occasional lawsuit comes up. They'll still save more money in the long run by misclassifying their employees. Strippers could maintain all of their scheduling and pricing freedoms while also being classified properly, if they unionized. Strip clubs are really good at making gullible dumb bitches across the nation think that they want to be contractors. I encourage all strippers to sue their clubs and get their money back, as a bare minimum to fight back. That tidy sum may not solve everything, but it will make you feel better to start a retirement account, make a down payment on a new home, or take an awesome cross-country road trip.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Letter and Poster

Here is the simple yet effective note that I gave to Ralph on my last night working at Mouse's Ear. This is an example of a “canned” statement (according to Centerfold attorney Christina Corl) that I sometimes give to my exploitative employers.

Idiot DJ Chris Conner used to play a song called “Bad Intentions” by Niykee Heaton when I walked through the door to work. At other strip clubs who communicate with each other about me, other Idiot DJs will play “Bad Intentions” multiple times per night while I am working. The irony is that my intentions aren't bad. I am an employee with rights, asserting those rights. The intention of the Brownings and other strip club owners is to deny dancers of every right possible and deny us everything we deserve, and then when dancers fight back, fucking idiots like DJ Chris Conner call us “criminals” for asserting our rights. It's so victim-blaming and disgusting, but it has gone on for decades because dancers are a population of workers who are easy to take advantage of. Presenting a small note to my employers is the least I can do to open up a can of whoop ass. I'm not sure why more people aren't celebrating workers doing things like that. Maybe because even liberals like Idiot Conner have internalized the status quo and don't recognize freedom fighters for being awesome.

Here is the mandatory NLRB poster that Mouse's Ear had to put up after the NLRB found my claim to be Meritorious and reached a settlement agreement.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: The Contract

Here is the Mouse’s Ear contract.

Here is the bullshit Mouse’s Ear “relationship selection” that many corporate clubs make, to create the illusion of choice.

I forgot who told me this, but after Mouse’s Ear fired me, the Brownings presented some type of a survey about dancer job satisfaction and their desire to continue being contractors. Then, one-by-one, the Brownings had each dancer come into the office and fill it out in front of them, while they watched what each dancer was writing. So, it was a fake and uneducated written statement for the most part, in a small office with their bosses hoovering over them. Presumably this was done to cover their asses after firing me.

Outsiders have often asked me why dancers aren’t mad about these kinds of practices or why they don’t “do something” about it. Sometimes they’ll sue or strike, but the overwhelming amount of dancers will become angry if they are described as exploited, lied to, stolen from, or legally manipulated. It’s not because those things aren’t happening— it’s because they are in total denial about it and are personally offended at the mentioning of it. It’s a lot like a battered woman who really loves her husband and gets mad when outsiders point out that he beats the fuck out of her.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Representation

Private attorneys represent me when I need to sue a workplace for misclassification. Their job is to retrieve all of my unpaid wages, illegal house fees, illegal tips, and illegal cuts of dance money. The NLRB gets involved when I am illegally terminated by my employer for engaging in protected activities. The NLRB retrieves the money that I would have made after getting fired. The NLRB can get a workplace to offer me my job back. The NLRB can make the workplace put up a really nice mandatory poster about worker rights. Many of my former workplaces have been decorated with mandatory NLRB posters, after firing Yours Truly. Sometimes, people get confused about the differences between what my private attorney is for, and what the NLRB is for. Below I will describe my search for a private attorney to sue Mouse's Ear. I will also describe my experiences with the Nashville NLRB. This post will provide educational information on the outcome of holding Mouse's Ear accountable.

I just start with a google or DuckDuckGo search to find labor and employment lawyers in whatever geographic location a workplace is in. Using key words or phrases like “East Tennessee Labor Lawyers” is a good place to start. I started searching for a private attorney to sue Mouse's Ear while I was still working there, because it was very obvious that I was being misclassified and having my money stolen from me on a nightly basis. I intended to get my money back not because I am greedy, but because the Brownings are greedy thieves who like stealing from vulnerable people. Retards call me greedy when I fight back. It is important that one's labor lawyer is not an utter douche bag who hates strippers and/or women. Sometimes that search is an obstacle. It is important that the lawyer works on a contingency fee basis. It is important that the lawyer does not charge me for a consultation. Searching for a lawyer is an obnoxious task, but this task has become routine for me at this point in my life. In some states, I have multiple candidates to choose from. In other states, I only have one option that becomes my default choice. In Knoxville, I only found one potential lawyer in town who was willing to work with me on contingency, rather than charge hourly or use some other pay structure. His name is Dale Montpelier. Sometimes consultations take place over the phone, and sometimes consultations take place in person. Dale and I had an in-person consultation that turned into hours upon hours of friendly conversation. He was mostly enjoyable to chat with. He and I both charge people to talk to us, so it is noteworthy that we both enjoyed chatting with one another for free. If I recall correctly, I hung out at the Montpelier office a few different times, shooting the shit. I have a pattern of hitting it off with vaguely sociopathic alpha males who have right-wing leanings-- such was the case with Dale Montpelier. He is an aging military veteran with a weight problem. Taxidermy animals decorate his office, as well as guns and other items from his time in the military. Montpelier represents both employees and employers, which I did not like. I try to find lawyers who exclusively represent the worker, and never the boss. But, I didn't have any other options in Knoxville at that point, and we spent so much time chatting, that I was willing to hire him. However, Dale was still undecided on representing me until he had a chance to read the Mouse's Ear contract and make an educated decision. Unfortunately, I did not have a copy of the Mouse's Ear contract while working there, and only obtained one on my last night of working there. It is pretty standard for strip clubs to withhold contracts from the dancers, in order to keep them as ignorant of their situation as possible, as well as to deter lawyers from representing the dancers.

Another obstacle that I faced when considering Dale, was that he read over my blog and wanted me to sign a non-disclosure agreement regarding the interactions between him and I, stating that I wouldn't talk shit about him on my website or anything like that. No other lawyer who I have ever hired has ever proposed any such gagging, in part because lawyer-client conversations are privileged anyway. However, Dale also creeped me out in a non-professional way, by casually mentioning something about three-ways with his wife, and that same day coincidentally introducing me to his young wife who he got from Asia. While I enjoyed talking with Dale, I was also weirded out. Regardless of the red flags, I didn't know what else to do. I really wanted to sue Mouse's Ear and find a lawyer ASAP, so I still wanted to hire him. I planned to just ignore his creepy comments and focus on suing the club. After I finally got my contract from Mouse's Ear in November of 2019, I showed it to Dale in his office. After looking over the contract, he was unwilling to represent me. He was too threatened by the sneaky language in the contract and exclaimed,

“This contract scares me!”

Short-term, his unwillingness to represent me was very upsetting, because he made it seem as though suing Mouse's Ear would be extremely difficult with the contract they have. Long-term, I am glad that I didn't end up hiring Dale. He and I no longer talk. I left Knoxville without yet finding representation on the Mouse's Ear matter. Workers generally have three years after the crime has taken place to sue a workplace for misclassification. In late 2019, I still had plenty of time to find a private attorney who wasn't Dale. He made it seem like I would never find a lawyer willing to take on the Mouse's Ear contract, but I wasn't convinced.

After leaving Knoxville, I had to shift my focus to the NLRB charge of unlawful termination. Unlike the three-year time frame for holding a workplace accountable for misclassification, the NLRB only gives about six months to file a charge of unlawful termination and proceed with an affidavit. After zig-zagging around the Southeastern United States in search of a decent new workplace, only to end up back in Camden, TN, I did my NLRB Mouse's Ear affidavit in Nashville. Nashville is where I met NLRB attorney Katie Miller.

If I recall correctly, Katie didn't take my initial charge of unlawful termination when I called it in, but she was assigned to the case after the NLRB determined that my charge was worth investigating. Katie seemed disappointed to have been assigned my case. When I met her, it seemed as though she strongly disliked me. She already knew who I was. She already saw my blog. She explained that when she first heard about me, she thought the site must've been for “fighting the good fight,” but expressed some kind of vague disappointment about the contents of the site upon her closer inspection. Katie was pregnant at the time, quite heavy and tall, with a ruddy flushed freckled look that is common among Celtic-American people from Missouri-- her state of familial origins. Judging from her expressed resentment for me, I considered asking for a new agent, but I worried about raising too much of a fuss with the NLRB about her. Several NLRB agents have expressed discontent with me in the past, in an unprofessional manner. Occasionally, I have complained about agents to the point of being re-assigned, but since Katie was not a male agent who was giving me shit, and because she was being vague about her resentment with the chance of plausible deniability if I complained about her, I couldn't exactly provide direct quotes or an explicit reason to request a switch. But, I did feel uncomfortable when talking to her in the office for the affidavit. I did not feel welcome, or accepted, or understood with compassion. Katie vaguely alluded to thoughts that I got fired on purpose in order to collect back pay. Katie also made a few odd and inappropriate sexual innuendo jokes that I cannot remember the specifics of. When I am talking to legal professionals who are supposed to help me and they end up making sex jokes, it is a sign of disrespect. She is a cheeky, big boned, masculine, snarky type of a hearty liberal female who doesn't like me, and I very much worried about what effect it would have on making my claim Meritorious.

In late November and early December of 2019, I spent my time dancing at Teazers, exploring my ancestral origins in Camden, getting my car fixed in Camden, driving out to the Nashville NLRB headquarters to do my affidavit, and hanging out in Loretta Lynn's museum/store/buffet in Hurricane Mills. I vented about my hatred for Elyssa Cabral to Katie Miller, and was advised not to discuss the case or express myself to Cabral or anybody else at Mouse's Ear. Witnesses from both sides are protected during an investigation, so I don't know who was talking to Katie from Mouse's Ear, be them dancers, paid staff, or Brownings. I will always wonder which scabby bitches went so far as to talk to the NLRB on behalf of the club. I wouldn't rule anyone out-- not Brandy, not Cabral, certainly not Justine Marie Cox or Brittany Wood.

Teazers illegally fired me after I finished my Mouse's Ear affidavit. I left Tennessee after my car was fixed. Katie seemed disappointed that Teazers was also in the Nashville NLRB's jurisdiction, and that she was assigned a second case of mine. She took my Teazers affidavit after Mouse's Ear, only the second one was by phone. Katie Miller gave birth in early 2020, after I moved to Champaign, Illinois. The Meritorious case of Mouse's Ear was then reassigned to NLRB attorney Meagan Dolleris, who I liked much better than Katie-- though I do suspect the two of them are buddies. She had some of the banter tone that Katie exhibited. I never met Meagan in person, only spoke with her over the phone. Regardless of what those two thought of me, I provided the NLRB with so much evidence, that proving my misclassification and unlawful termination at Mouse's Ear was utterly undeniable. I was most definitely my best Advocate in that one, not them.

In the Spring of 2020, I picked up the search for a private attorney to sue Mouse's Ear. I can't remember how I found Matthew W. Herrington. Sometimes after search engines don't yield good results for finding an attorney, I will ask my previous attorneys if they know anyone who can help me. I will try to find out who is licensed in a given state, and just rely on word-of-mouth referrals. That might've been how I found Matthew W. Herrington, but I am not completely sure. His firm at the time was out of Georgia, and they had a lot more experience suing strip clubs than Dale Montpelier's one-man operation in Knoxville. Sometimes law firms in other states can still do cases out of state. Matthew W. Herrington's firm was not concerned about the Mouse's Ear contract whatsoever, especially given the extensive evidence I provided to prove that I was indeed a misclassified employee unable to defend myself without getting fired. I was happy to have signed with Matthew's firm in the middle of 2020. For a few weeks in 2020, I was footloose and fancy free, thinking about how nice it was to finally have a lawyer suing Mouse's Ear. However, Matthew's firm was unable to find local counsel in Knoxville. Their method of operation involved getting local counsel in Knoxville, from their remote location in Georgia. His firm dropped the case, reluctantly, and I was again on the search for a lawyer to sue Mouse's Ear. This was very disappointing, because I really enjoyed speaking with Matthew Herrington and learning about all of the strip clubs his firm has sued. He was extremely respectful, intelligent, and easy to talk to. Finding a lawyer to sue Mouse's Ear became the most frustrating search I experienced so far, and I worried I would never find anyone to help me. But, I fuckin hate Alex Cave, Chris Conner, Robert Udovich, and The Brownings so much, that I was unwilling to stop looking.

In the Summer of 2020, I was also looking for an Illinois attorney to help me sue some Illinois clubs. If I recall correctly, I found an article about Club Cabaret in Creve Coeur getting sued by attorney Bradley Manewith. He is based out of Chicago and co-counsel with the Liss-Riordan law firm in Boston. Adelaide Pagano is a wonderful Boston attorney from Liss-Riordan, who Bradley works with on my Illinois cases. My case against Mouse's Ear accounted for lost wages and money stolen from me as an individual. It wasn't a class action, and it didn't include sexual harassment and/or discrimination. Sometimes when I sue clubs, they are class actions and/or do include EEOC complaints. For whatever reason, Adelaide and Bradley didn't need local council in Knoxville like Matthew Herrington's firm did. So, while deciding to take the Illinois cases, they also took on Mouse's Ear. It wasn't a hassle at all. Dale Montpelier's opinion is inconsistent with many other people who I have spoken with about Mouse's Ear.

Sometimes I get hate mail or in-person criticisms, accusing me of being a bad person for not doing more than sue clubs. I'm not sure what more people want me to do with my limited resources and comrades. Do you want me to organize a strike after getting fired for engaging in protected workplace speech? Who would organize it with me, scab fat bitch Elyssa Cabral? I blog about the lawsuits and present information to the public in an honest and candid manner to the best of my abilities, at the constant threat of losing my job, home, and life. I do a lot more than most people, so fuck you.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Last Night and After

Sorry about the delay! I am very emotional about scabby losers like Cabral. I had a difficult time writing about my last night at Mouse's Ear, even three years later. Crybaby Cabral made me cry in November of 2019. This post won't contain by best writing, but I want to move on with the series!

Elyssa Cabral had her shortcomings, but she was shockingly versed and educated on dancer rights. It's easy for me to see how she became the valedictorian of her graduating class. She randomly spouted off little comments and phrases about worker rights in the dressing room, which nobody in particular replied to. Cabral's random dancer rights comments popped out among her rants about her dorky Halloween obsession, dead body interests, costume design, and other banal bullshit. Her comments would be easy to miss if one didn't know what misclassification is. For someone like me, her comments stuck out. As much as I hated Roxy and knew what she was saying about me behind my back, I also understand that in order for workers to have any power to defend themselves against their exploitative employers, workers must put their differences aside and unite. So, Roxy was also one of my favorite coworkers in addition to one of my least favorites. I googled her a lot while we were coworkers, in preparation for a discussion on the subject of misclassification. I found her mom's obituary from a decade or so ago and never mentioned it to her. She was raised by her grandparents as a teenager, but referred to her grandparents as her parents in the workplace. I thought it was odd that she never mentioned her mom's death during any of her forced trauma dumping in the dressing room, nor during any of the times that she suggested to our coworkers that they murder their parents.

Around October of 2019, I started noticing Ralph watching my behavior more closely. Lilith began complaining to him that I was being “pushy” with customers to get them to spend money. Brazil would prompt her customers to complain about me for being “rude.” Aspen always wanted me gone and thought I was too abrasive. In reality, many strippers are rude and pushy with the customers but never lose their jobs. With my personal history of suing clubs and most clubs wanting me gone, I don't always have the luxury to behave like other dancers. Strip clubs will look for reasons to fire me. I sensed that my time at Mouse's Ear was ending. I was worried that the Brownings would find any excuse to get rid of me, such as customer complaints. Maybe I was incorrect, and Ralph wasn't plotting my termination with the assistance of Conner and scab bitches who didn't want to compete with me any longer, but I sensed the end in late October and early November. Some time around late October or early November of 2019, I began having conversations with Brandy about my history of suing clubs. Brandy claimed to not have heard anything about my lawsuits from people like Lilith or Aspen. I mentioned that I was interested in discussing worker rights with Roxy, and that her politics interested me. Dropping Roxy's name in conversation with Brandy was something I intentionally did as bait, because I knew Brandy was leaky and would most likely mention my comment to her friend Roxy. I needed a way to break the ice with Roxy on topics of mutual interest.

In October of 2019, my knees began to ache with a bursitis more painful than any bursitis I have ever had in my life. It was from the mandatory high heels at Mouse's Ear, combined with the frequent need to go on stage not only for sets, but for the 2-for-1 features multiple times per hour. The stage is up several small steps that look non-threatening, but are indeed a threat to one's knees with the amount of times that one must walk up and down them per shift. The long stairway to the attic dressing room also contributed to bursitis, and it wasn't always convenient to remove my heels before and after going into the dressing room.

Shortly after one of my last phone conversations with Brandy, Roxy and I did begin talking about contract law in the dressing room. This was in early November of 2019. I forgot who started the conversation, but I do know that I had to swallow my pride and resentment regarding Roxy's clandestine comments about me. She apologized for the way she had acted toward me over the previous months, and stated that she was just giving into peer pressure to pile-on against me. Roxy admitted to strongly disliking, if not hating, most of our coworkers at Mouse's Ear, and told me that she was only nice to them because she needed to keep her job. She explained that Madison Rae Gladstone was incredibly mean and emotionally abusive to her while they socialized together, both at work and outside of work. She described Madison Rae Gladstone making fun of her for being a trafficking survivor in California. She admitted to hating Aspen, who she only pretended to be friendly with. She expressed a negative opinion about most of our coworkers, including Brandy, who she described as being very untrustworthy. Roxy stated that she was really trying to find a way out of the Mouse's Ear's hostile working environment. She told me her plans to write an “expose” about Mouse's Ear, under a pseudonym. She repeatedly used the term “expose” to describe her plans for an article. It seemed as though she liked the idea of using the term “expose” more than the idea of actually writing something about Mouse's Ear. I questioned her on why she was friends with misogynist dweeby Male Feminist DJ Chris Conner. She admitted to agreeing with me about Conner being a piece of shit. She explained that she just mistakenly thought he was a good person at first, because his virtue signaling makes him come off as such a nice guy. I grilled her on why she remained facebook friends with him and interacted with him in the public comments section of his facebook. She stated that she was just doing that because they're coworkers for the time being, out of convenience and to maintain job stability.

During our chat, Cabral praised me on being so beautifully skilled at the job. I asked her why she had a conversation with coworkers about a desire to put a hex on me to make all of my female genital hairs fall out. I didn't mention how I found out about that conversation, and she never asked me how I knew. But, she did reply that she had no recollection of that conversation. She said that her brain “disassociates constantly” while she is at work, and she doesn't remember things she says. She didn't express accountability for any specifics, such as the obsession she has with her own large breasts and the football-player-locker-room-esque body shaming that she engages in regarding female bodies that don't look like hers. I didn't press her any further, after she blamed it all on “peer pressure” and “disassociation.” Looking back though, I don't believe most of her behavior was “peer pressure,” so much as it was a vengeful rage at my success and her failures. Blaming it all on mental illness and “disassociation” is just gas lighting. She instigated a lot of conversations and used disdain for me to ease her own self-hatred, then brushed it all under the rug as “disassociation.”

During our conversation, Elyssa told me that she received her funding for expensive clothing and makeup from her internet fans, and that she has a strong internet fan base for the adult content that she posts online. Cabral did not understand that a strong pornographic internet fan base means very little IRL, where movement, eye contact, smell, energy work, and social interaction with customers is most important for sales. She stated that she had no trust fund to support her, and that after her mother died, her dad took the life insurance policy money and left with it. She stated that she is not actually from San Francisco, but grew up poor in a town outside of San Francisco.

Elyssa Cabral wore a satan ring to work in 2019, which she lovingly caressed while speaking with me. She told me that she worshiped “Him.” She said “Him” in a longing, pining tone, as though she had romantic feelings for satan. She thought I might be interested in her ring, since I am a “witch.” During our conversation, I clarified to her that I was not a witch. She exclusively acquired these witch assumptions about me from speaking with lying coworkers, such as Stumpy Dumpy Taylor Miller. As Elyssa and I sat on the bench in the dressing room talking, I thought about how she looked so ridiculous with her satan ring. I didn't say that to her though; I just nodded, listened, and continued to try to steer the conversation to contract law and misclassification.

While most of my conversation with Elyssa was just the two us, Gwen appeared at some point with some of their hag homies. Gwen had a water bottle that she was drinking out of. I am relatively oblivious to the degree of addiction that my peers have, so I was surprised when Gwen informed me that the clear liquid in her water bottle was actually liquor, not water. She asked me if I wanted some, which I declined. At that point, Gwen had not casually spoken to me in the months since Roxy started working there and befriended her, like a good beta side-kick. At her offering of liquor, it appeared as though she found it safe enough to speak to me when she saw that Roxy and I were on friendly terms. Some of the random hags had also gathered near where Roxy and I were conversing. Lilith interrupted our conversation to stare me down, bend over, and creepily give Roxy a kiss on her cheek. Roxy would later describe this interruption as Lilith's desire to triangulate and control a social situation. She explained to me how much she secretly disliked Lilith. Gwen was passing the water bottle full of clear liquor around for her fellow losers to swap saliva and get buzzed. I was befuddled that Gwen would do such a thing, because I never took her for the water-bottle-full-of-clear-liquor type, but there she was, letting me in on her little secret. There's something so pathetic about adult women in the workplace behaving that way, something I haven't done since being a teenager.

At some point during my conversation with Roxy, she and I got on the topic of how backstabbing and two-faced Southerners are. She and I both acknowledged that it can be confusing to have someone smile at you and be polite, only to have something very harmful happen because of their later behavior. Gwen joined our conversation on Southorns. Gwen stated that she was also originally from California, and conveyed that the social particulars of backstabbing Southorns is confusing to her. I was surprised to learn that Gwen is also from California, because her facebook says that she is from Ohio. But, she definitely has the tattoos, stupid looking piercings, and beta shitlib turdish ways of a Californian, so I could see it. As much as Southerners bother me and I enjoy describing them on this series, there was also a part of me that felt defensive about these two stupid California bitches kvetching and shitting on Tennesseans. But again, I wanted to steer the conversation to worker rights and misclassification with Roxy.

At some point, either during this conversation with Roxy or during a subsequent facebook conversation with Roxy, she and I agreed to meet at the Panera Bread that was around the block from Mouse's Ear. Over the previous six months, many times before work, I sat outside of that Panera sipping coffee and surfing the internet. I was excited that Roxy agreed to meet me there to talk about worker rights at Mouse's Ear. We planned to do something about the misclassification that was going on at Mouse's Ear. My knees were absolutely killing me the week leading up to our meeting. It was difficult for me to stand up out of bed in the mornings after working, because the constant pressure and unnatural angle of the heels had damaged my joints so much. I could barely see my knee bones, because the tissue was so swollen and puffy. That week, I purchased some ballet flats. I also prepared a letter to give to whichever Browning was working when I felt most brave. It was one of my typical kiss-of-death letters that I give to strip club owners as an ultimatum, which has usually led to my terminations and subsequent NLRB complaints in the past. I've been accused by Centerfold's attorney Christina Corl of making the letter “canned,” in order to get fired on purpose. To that I say-- strip clubs exploit workers in a canned manner that is illegal, and how dare anyone shame me for exercising my rights that people fought and died for? What these letters contain are a list of ways in which I am misclassified in a particular workplace, and a request that I be treated like the contractor that I signed up to be. I started writing them with that angle in 2017 at Silk Exotic Madison, after Idiot Arbitrator Frank Abramson called me too “sophisticated” to be misclassified by Seville Minneapolis, and made me lose the Seville case.

It was late Friday afternoon of November 8th, 2019, that Roxy and I were to meet outside of Panera. I planned to show her my letter and talk to her about it. She talks as though she is interested in a revolution of some kind, she has other sources of income, she has a husband, and no human dependents. She is able-bodied, young, and an educated former valedictorian. In many ways, she is the prime privileged person to shoulder such burdensome issues of worker rights that she claims to care about.

I made sure to get to Panera an hour early that day, get my coffee, a salad, sit and wait for her with my letter. I planned all of the things I would explain to Roxy and ask her she what she thought. I thought maybe with her social circle at Mouse's Ear, she could help me spark some kind of strike. After that hour had passed, I waited, and waited, and waited another hour or so before hearing anything from her. She messaged me with some stupid excuse about not being able to make it because she had something else to do and might be late for work. Previously, our plan was to talk at Panera for an hour or so before going to start our shift together. Whatever her excuse was, I was extremely disappointed and cried a little bit. It really hurt my feelings to be stood up by someone who profusely apologized to me for her bullshit over the course of several months, talk to her about a subject I thought we both cared about, and then sit outside of Panera all alone like a Bozo for hours being stood up. What a stupid, pathetic, disingenuous, virtue-signaling clown Elyssa Cabral turned out to be.

I packed up my things and headed into Mouse's Ear, limping from my knee injuries. At work that evening, I had my Misclassification Notification letter in my backpack, along with the ballet flats. I was not brave enough to get them out at the beginning of the shift. I needed to make money that night.

There are things written about me in unauthorized articles, calling me “The World's Most Combative Stripper,” and other bullshit from people I've never met or spoken to. In reality, I am a nervous person who trembles with uncontrollable fear at the most inconvenient of times. I have social anxiety when not hustling. Authority figures scare me, as do savage stripper bitches. I was nervously trembling all night on this particular Friday. Cabral was being nice to me, and like a helpless waif with nothing else to cling to, I clung to her emotionally. I showed her the letter that I had in my backpack, and discussed showing it to the Brownings. She agreed with me about what it said, but also stated that there could be some negative consequences if I showed it to the Brownings. I casually walked around in the dressing room with the ballet flats, taking them off and putting the heels back on to go downstairs. I just wanted to practice what they would feel like in the dressing room before going downstairs with them on, to do a little emotional recon. Some time around Midnight, after five or so hours of fretting and trying to work normally, I decided it was show time. I put the ballet flats on and held the letter before it was time to go downstairs for one of the 2-for-1 features where every dancer has to stand on stage and walk off together. I waited for everyone else to go downstairs before I did. Ralph was working that night, standing at the bottom of the stairs to corral all of the dancers, yelling at us to all get downstairs and go on stage. I ran downstairs and handed him the letter before going up the steps to get on stage, then walked off. He looked at the letter, laughed and rolled his eyes. He didn't notice my ballet flats right away.

After all of the dancers were off stage and some were doing 2-for-1 dances, I felt safest sitting next to Roxy while she sat with some regulars who had no interest in buying dances from her. I told her that I gave Ralph the letter and that I was nervous. She offered me very little comfort, looked nervous, got up and walked over to Ralph. I don't know if he looked at the letter by that point, but he was standing at the bar, intensely staring at me. Roxy stood right next to him while he stared me down. I was shocked that she went over and did that. Yes, I have been stabbed in the back many times. Yes, I understand that strippers and all humans are generally unreliable and disgusting, but Roxy is a Californian who posts memes about revolution on her social media all the time. She knows what misclassification is. I thought maybe the least she could do was sit next to me while I was nervous and trembling with my ballet flats on. Why did she get up, walk away from me during this intense moment, and stand next to Ralph in an act of solidarity with him? My heart sank. I wanted to cry. I hate Elyssa Cabral so very much; she is such a pathetic pile of shit.

It's hard to measure time sometimes, in these intense moments when I piss off my employers with nobody backing me up. My cheeks flush and I get dizzy. I suffer from panic attacks. At some point, Ralph yelled at me to go put my heels back on or leave. I wanted to continue making money that night and wasn't sure what to do, so I went back upstairs to put my stripper shoes back on. At some point, I asked Roxy why she went and stood next to Ralph while he was staring me down at the bar. I asked her if she said anything to him or if they discussed me. She said I was not discussed, she just stood by him as she stands by anybody throughout the course of an evening, and it wasn't a big deal. She wasn't interested in discussing labor rights with me at that point in the evening, or discussing anything serious whatsoever.

For all of Elyssa Cabral's (Jack St. Morior) facebook memes about worker rights, revolution, defiance, and rebellion, she is not a rebellious person in practice at all. She does not “walk the walk” in any regard, except to walk over to Ralph while he is staring me down. She walks in her stripper shoes, walking away from me during an emotional time when I needed her most, not walking to Panera Bread to have a simple conversation about topics that she knows damned well are important. For all of her counter-cultural aesthetics, all of her fashion statements, all of her pronouns, Elyssa Cabral is nothing but a Basic Bitch. She is a Basic Bitch who can't hustle, and a Basic Bitch who can't stand up to her employer. She is a Basic Bitch who secretly hates all of her friends. Roxy has no moxie. Cabral is so Basic that she can't even quietly sit next to me while I'm trembling. All of her valedictorian boasts, contract law knowledge, memes about politics, interests in being feral, social media followers, political leanings, and pronouns mean nothing when she fails to do the simplest of supportive acts for a fellow comrade. Similarly, all of her cosmetics, costumes, and mammary tissue couldn't save a Basic Bitch from below-poverty-level strip club earnings on any busy weekend night. Roxy wasn't a stripper, or a hustler, or a revolutionary. She was always just a Basic Bitch clown honking around.

I left work early on my last Friday night with Ralph's permission. I wasn't feeling well. Before I left, Ralph called me into the office. He was trembling too. Maybe it was his cocaine and not me that caused him to tremble. I asked him for a copy of our contract earlier in the evening, and he neglected to give me one until then. In the office, shaking, he was showing me paragraphs which he highlighted for me, with language about how the rules were legal and Mouse's Ear wasn't doing anything wrong. I took it and left. I was supposed to work on Saturday night, but my knees were so swollen and achy that I barely left the bed that day. I went back to work on either Sunday or Monday evening, not knowing if I would be allowed back. When I entered the lobby, Buddy came up to me and had me go into his office to speak with him. Stupid Bitch Alex Cave was in the bar area eavesdropping, and of course my audio recorder was eavesdropping too. Buddy and Ralph put a lot of faith into their Deja Vu-style contract. There is a section in it that says if I feel at any time that I am an employee, then I must tell them right away that I am an employee, and then I must come back as an employee and give away all of my earnings besides minimum wage. It's a slimy little legal language maneuver that I will elaborate on in another post, but Buddy fired me after a short argument in the office, by telling me to leave and not come back. That conversation was very valuable for me to have a recording of, regardless of what the contract said and Buddy's confidence with it. The lawsuit was their fault, not the fault of an exploited employee who knows her rights.

After Mouse's Ear fired me, Cabral feigned a bit of interest and concern over a facebook conversation when I told her. I'll never know how genuine she was about her concern. She never followed up, reached out, or checked in on me. She knew that I was homeless, jobless, had very little money saved, and was unsure of where to go next.

After Mouse's Ear fired me, I drove up to Lexington to audition at some clubs. I had to wait in bed for a few days while my knee swelling subsided. They were hot with pain, and I could not walk down the stairs of my hotel without hobbling. There was a blizzard in Eastern Kentucky while I waited for the knee swelling to go down. I was very sad and alone. A club called Cowboys in Lexington looked at my driver's license, perhaps at my birth year, and wouldn't even let me past the front desk to audition. Spearmint Rhino in Lexington had an computer problem, and they were unable to audition with their computers down. Platinum Dolls in Lexington had an ugly Latina woman manager audition me, so of course she wouldn't hire me. Panicked, I drove down to a friend's house in Florida to stay for a week. I worked a couple of nights at Cheater's in Cocoa Beach, but Florida clubs are so utterly disgusting that I decided to leave the state. I drove up to Charlotte, North Carolina, to work at Paper Doll Lounge. Somehow, the manager at Paper Doll already knew who I was. Paper Doll was also a ghetto disgusting atmosphere where I only made $70 before leaving my shift early. The manager called me into the office and gave me a lecture on how I shouldn't leave a shift early. On my drive from Charlotte, NC to Camden, TN, I had to sleep in my car because I had no money for a hotel. Teazers in Camden is where I worked next. Teazers has already been covered in it's own series.

For the Mouse's Ear NLRB investigation, I asked Cabral if she would be willing to at least tell the NLRB how we were misclassified and how she and I spoke of labor rights before I was fired. She was unwilling to do that, unless she could remain anonymous. The NLRB doesn't take anonymous affidavits. She was totally unwilling to put her privileged-ass name on anything related to labor rights. In order for an NLRB claim to be considered Meritorious, in order to prove that I was illegally terminated for engaging in protected speech, the NLRB needs evidence that I engaged in conversation or communication with at least one other coworker on the matter. Even though Cabral is a cowardly Basic Bitch unwilling to help me, I had audio recordings of all of our workplace conversations, in addition to facebook conversations. Her affidavit definitely would've helped, but I prepared for the worst and was rewarded for it, Basic Bitch notwithstanding. Proving misclassification, employee status, and illegal termination was all very easy to do for this case. Proving concerted activity was also something that I achieved, thanks to the recordings and digital evidence.

Since starting this series, I googled Elyssa Cabral, to see that she was involved with a lawsuit against the Bayer corporation a few years ago, along with her family members as co-plaintiffs. I thought that was interesting, but haven't looked too much into it to understand the specifics of the case. She has definitely posted some memes that appear as though she is in support of my lawsuits. Cabral has also made facebook posts this past year, containing memes about not wanting more people to move to Tennessee. I wonder if she has picked up a twang yet, or if she tells more people to go back where they came from, like she secretly said about me in the dressing room when she was “disassociating.” All I ever wanted when moving to Knoxville was to settle in the hills permanently, and have some stability. I love Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, and so wanted to spend more time there than six months. Rent in Knoxville has risen significantly since I left, and there are frequent complaints on social media about all of the Californians who are moving to the state to LARP as “hillbillies.” Many of the raw acreages in Tazewell have quadrupled in price. I can't imagine how much money the cheap motels cost now. More recently, Cabral has been posting about a desire to move away from Tennessee, because of certain gender issues that she doesn't like there. I hope Tennessee continues to repel Californians for as long as possible. Cabral continued to dance at Mouse's Ear for a long time after I was fired, then The Ball, and more recently seems to be slaving away at a liquor store with a Mexican-looking boss who doesn't respect her schedule requests.

Cabral posts a lot of wonderful memes-- political memes that I totally agree with. Sometimes I post them on my own social media. Unfortunately, her great political memes make her seem more interested in activism than she actually is. The memes were a motivating factor in my talking to her about misclassification in the first place, in addition to her workplace comments.

Millenials and zoomers are often noted for having high rates of union approval, but limited union memberships. People like Roxy contribute to those low membership numbers. That is-- the privileged virtue-signaling dweeb who doesn't take risks to achieve goals aligned with their supposed values. Roxy sits on the internet a lot, posting Class War memes, but has never been to a picket line. She also posts quite a bit of material that makes me think she'd love to participate in the kind of bolshevik barbarism of last century's communist Russia-- that is, sadistic, murderous and unproductive loser activity that makes for a communist hellscape. I don't know what the future holds for Cabral's political activism, if any. I considered leaving her anonymous on this series because it might risk her future employment, but I don't think she's a threat to any boss anywhere. She doesn't do anything to rebel. She's nothing like me, and there is no need to blacklist her from being hired, because she does nothing to threaten any workplace status quo.

Roxy has pissed me off a lot this past year while I was writing this series. Several of her posts have been low-key shit-posting about the site. For example, I am still disgusted and traumatized by getting sexually assaulted by Ivywood. Roxy doesn't understand or take seriously that I was sexually assaulted by Ivywood, so she posted some joking and mocking memes after my Ivywood post. Roxy knows about how I have a security breach on my electronic media right now, and has done nothing to help me with it, such as contact me to notify me that it was going on.

If you worked with me at Mouse's Ear but weren't featured in this series, then congrats-- you were never offensive, scabby, interesting, or noteworthy enough to get put on blast, anonymously or not. I worked with a number of other dancers at Mouse's Ear who fit that category.

In the next few posts before concluding this series, I will discuss the NLRB, my private attorney search, and share important legal documents.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Elyssa Cabral

Zydrate comes in a little glass vial, everybody!

This post will be the last dancer doxx on Mouse's Ear Memoirs. At the beginning of this series, I thought about dedicating the whole of Mouse's Ear Memoirs to Elyssa Cabral, in all of it's glory, hilarity, vulgarity and disgustingness. But, I also thought it would be fun to leave her hanging until the very end. Now we have reached the end of the dancer posts, fans. Elyssa Cabral was one of my least favorite coworkers, and simultaneously a pivotal person in making my NLRB claim meritorious. She might be surprised about getting doxxed. I told her that I wouldn't doxx her. Maybe since I am keeping my word about not doxxing Brandy, Elyssa thought she would have the same treatment. Elyssa is a special kind of vile, though, and this is a special post. The NLRB strongly advised me not to berate or bitch out Elyssa during the process, so I was mum. The NLRB knew about my secret, seething hatred for Elyssa Cabral. Loathsome though she is, Elyssa is not without admirable qualities. Elyssa's description will come in two posts-- this bio, followed by a second post detailing my last night at Mouse's Ear. With no further adieu, I bring you Elyssa Cabral, stage name Roxy. Roxy has been mentioned in a number of posts already. On facebook, she has gone by Elyss St. Morior, Asmo St. Morior, and Jack St. Morior. Her DJ name is BeeblebroxBaby. Her pronouns are They/Them, ladies and gents.

As a Midwesterner, I've too often made judgment errors by positively admiring West Coast people. This was especially true when I was an adolescent and obsessively romanticized the state of California. Sometimes, I just can't shake away those default sentiments. False assumptions about the goodness of Californians are a toxic trait of mine.

I think Elyssa started working at Mouse's Ear some time around mid-August of 2019. She stated it was her first strip club to work in. I had already been stressed out and extensively shunned at work by that point. Most of the weird false rumors about me were rampant, the workplace satanic panic was in full swing, and I was depressed. When Elyssa arrived, I was relieved. I automatically assumed we could be friends because she came from San Francisco. She was sitting by herself on the show floor when I first met her, swaying to the music. I instantly thought she looked like a giant gothic penguin, but looks don't matter in true friendships. She seemed smart, sensible, like someone who I could talk to about my workplace issues. I described some of my workplace issues to her during one of our first conversations, and she described herself as “a total SJW” who can relate to my workplace struggles. She stated that she was a survivor of trafficking. She met her partner Michael and they moved to Tennessee. They planned on getting married. Roxy gives off a very Libs of TikTok, McCarthyist Leftist vibe. She is very obviously mentally ill. We didn't stay on friendly terms for very long at all.

Before discussing Roxy's issues with me, I will describe Roxy's work ethic, time management, attitude, and hustling at Mouse's Ear. It directly relates to her extremely low stripper income. This description will be broken up into several paragraphs. There is a lot to cover.

One of Roxy's favorite songs to dance to was called “Zydrate Anatomy” from Repo! The Genetic Opera. It is not an attractive or sexy song. It freaked out most people whenever it came on, because of it's panicked and nervous chorus with disturbing lyrics. Most customers did not want to see a giant gothic penguin dance to a weird song about grave robbing. Roxy didn't consider her audience, so she shouldn't have expected to get paid by them. Roxy preferred to spend the majority of her working hours upstairs in the dressing room, intensely socializing with the other dancers. While upstairs, she frequently and obsessively changed her outfits. She expected her outfit changes to improve her lowly downstairs income. Some nights, she had a difficult time making her stage fee. Despite her low Mouse's Ear income, she was in constant supply of expensive makeup and outfits that she ordered from the internet. She treated the locker room as a place to waste time and play dress up, rather than a space to prep for work downstairs. I often wondered how she was able to afford all of those items with her below-poverty earnings. During this time frame, she used to post things on her Facebook, begging for food. She offered nude photos of herself to whoever would buy her food. At Mouse's Ear, she stated that some of her internet friends tried to persuade her to try another club, because she could not survive at our location. One of her facebook stripper friends suggested that she try working in Chicago, and suggested that her “type” of customer just wasn't in Knoxville. As someone who has danced in Chicago, I always thought that if she couldn't make money in Knoxville, then she was unlikely to find any success in Chicago, but I kept that to myself. While at Mouse's Ear, Roxy stated that “they hate me here,” in reference to the customers. I considered her as more of a strip club tourist and a dressing room pervert than a coworker. While in the dressing room, she often vocalized a desire to kill herself, and told everybody that she tried to kill herself three different times. When Isabella ranted about her suicidal desires, Roxy chimed in to relish in suicidal thoughts, as well as to discourage Isabella from killing herself.

After Roxy had been working at Mouse's Ear for a couple of weeks, initially assuming that she'd coast by making lots of money, only to discover that she sucks at hustling, she started telling dancers in the dressing room that she was the valedictorian of her high school's graduating class. In the dressing room, she proclaimed that the customers just didn't like her because she is smart-- valedictorian-level smart. She bragged about finishing a semester of college in high school, and stated that her advanced intellect must be the source of her low Mouse's Ear income. I was both entertained and insulted to hear that kind of classist garbage being spewed from a fart-sniffing California ShitLib who was salty about customers not wanting her. I never replied to her stupid bitch statements though. My way of coping with Roxy was to ignore her most of the time. Being intelligent has usually worked in my favor for making money. Hustling is an art and skill which requires intelligence to be executed successfully and repeatedly within a closed time frame. By Elyssa Cabral making those salty cope statements, she was implying that she was more intelligent than the top earners at Mouse's Ear, which she isn't. Like I said, she is just a fart sniffing California shitlib who couldn't figure out how to hustle. While playing dress up, Roxy was upset that she put on elaborate costumes and makeup, but didn't make more money because of it. Heterosexual Tennessee men do not care about pansy makeup tutorials or flamboyant costumes though, and they have a right to their preferences. They should not be shamed for their masculinity, nor should adult human females be shamed for pubic hair. But, shaming the Mouse's Ear customers for their masculinity and shaming me for my pubic hair was Roxy's cope. She also described me as “not having a body” when she didn't think I was around to hear her, and expressed confusion about my sales numbers because of it. Big Fat Fart Sniffing San Francisco Narcissists are like that. It also was around this time that Roxy made a facebook post that I saved. It said:

I'm ready for the fall of society I'm ready to desperately forage for food and break into an abandoned home to eat spaghettios with my hands A bitch is ready to go F E R A L I'm sick of caring about gas prices and fucking taxes I want to maybe die every day and live in a tree.”

The post seemed like a reaction to her Mouse's Ear income disappointment. I also highly doubt Elyssa Cabral would survive living as a feral person. She is a fat video gamer with indoor cats, a husband, a cozy apartment, and a deeply rooted social media addiction. She regularly cries about banal things in daily life, and I'm not sure she has much will power to teach herself any real survival skills. She used to call herself a vegetarian at work, but regularly ate chicken wings and cheese pizza with meaty toppings. She also posted facebook pictures of meaty meals that her husband cooked her after work. While I am forgiving to the vegan or vegetarian who has an occasional indiscretion-- I am not perfect myself-- Roxy posting photos of it on social media and publicly chowing down on chicken wings is just disgusting.

One of my favorite Mouse's Ear nights were Wednesdays, because they were a themed night called “Wayback Wednesdays.” Old music was played from the 90s and back. It pulled in a lot of higher-spending gen-x people, and many Wednesday nights were financially better for me than the weekends. Roxy, who struggled every night of the week, frequently stated that she hated Wayback Wednesdays and wanted to abolish them. She didn't like that they pulled in “old people.” I thought it odd that she continued to work most Wednesdays when she didn't like them. If I don't make much money at a strip club, I simply stop working there and go some place else. But, with Roxy living off of her fiance/husband and her social media fans sending her money, I can only circle back to the reality that Mouse's Ear was more of a hobby for her. It was a place for her to be a creepy pervert in the locker room, playing dress up, wallowing in suicidal thoughts, and examine naked women in our private changing spaces.

Roxy creeping around the dressing room always made me think of her as a young female Harvey Weinstein, because she is big and clunky like Weinstein, and kind of looks like him in the face. Like Harvey Weinstein, she is liberal, entitled, rude as fuck, and lived in California. In the dressing room, Roxy frequently brought up her sex life, or lack thereof, by telling everybody that she and her fiance/husband, Michael St. Morior, are Asexuals. Like a Libs of TikTok “queer,” she obsessively ranted and rambled about her orientation and gender by using made up words.

Roxy was very interested in Creepy Fur Hag Ivywood, and made a facebook post about her during this time frame. I always thought it was interesting that Ivywood didn't shave off her body hair like me, but Roxy specifically seemed to hate my body hair. Below is her Ivywood post:

There's a girl I work with, and she is undoubtedly some sort of ethereal fae creature taken flesh. She flits softly from place to place, sits on furs, and is so graceful I swear she floats Not to mention an intense sensual aura that just thickens the air around her like a cloud of honey For those of you that claim my work is some kind of portal to the other, I'm starting to believe you.”

Roxy managed to make some besties in the dressing room. Sunshine was one of them. They socialized outside of work. Roxy was frequently a listening ear for Sunshine's CPS and relationship problems. One time, Roxy suggested that Sunshine murder her mother for calling CPS on her. Roxy became great friends with Madison Rae Gladstone, who she expressed a kind of infatuation with. She was also besties with a dancer who went by Gwen, real name Allyssa Vance. Roxy repeatedly tried to befriend Brazil. Roxy stated that she is predominantly of Portuguese descent, and I believe she was interested in friendship with Brazil due to their shared Portuguese heritage. Brazil wasn't always so receptive to Roxy, because Brazil didn't like dealing with Roxy's creepy crying weirdness. Roxy was dismayed by this, and occasionally became angry with Brazil for doing simple things like sitting down in a chair that Roxy had previously sat in before getting up. Roxy strongly disliked DJ Robbie, for suggesting to her that her income would improve if she grew out her shaved butch haircut. DJ Robbie suggested to Roxy that she stop following Gwen around on the show floor and instead attempt to hustle independently, and Roxy didn't like that as well.

Roxy jumped on the Bunny-hating bandwagon like all of her ugly/addict hag friends. Roxy stated that Bunny “walks all over” her, because Bunny borrowed articles of clothing from Roxy and did not return them in a timely manner. One weird and creepy thing Roxy did all the time was hang out in the dressing room staring at dancers prepare for work. Roxy would have all of her different articles of clothing out, and offer to loan them to people. So, Bunny borrowed from her occasionally. I don't think Bunny is the type to “walk all over” anybody. I believe Bunny borrowed what was offered to her by a lunatic, then that lunatic wanted to both assert dominance and join in a pile-on against an easy target, and that is why she made slanderous statements about Bunny.

Now that I have described Roxy's workplace behavior related to her income, I will describe more of Roxy's reaction to me after our first few conversations.

Roxy's weird obsessive remarks about me harmed my overall working experience and longevity. One time, I was walking one of my customers from the back of the room to the couch area to do a dance. Narcissistic Roxy was on stage and became excited as she saw us walking her way, because she assumed I was bringing a customer to the stage to tip her. When she saw us turn to go do a dance, she became pissed off and ranted about it later in the dressing room when she didn't think I could hear her. I'm not sure why she would think I'd rather sit at a stage tipping her than make a bunch of money for myself selling dances. When Roxy had only worked at Mouse's Ear for a month or so, she expressed a belief that a customer who had been coming to the club for many years was her personal regular. She expressed anger that I spoke with him and sold him songs from time to time. She told everybody that I was “stealing” her customer. Roxy occasionally consulted with Aspen about why I don't socialize with her more. Roxy had many discussions with Taylor Miller regarding my avoidance. She stated that she was “the nicest person in the world!” and that she didn't know why I disliked her. I never told Roxy that I dislike her, but I did avoid her, and that was enough to send her over the edge. Miller was advising Roxy to make her fear me, and Roxy stated that she was going to try to make me “feel afraid!” of her. Roxy was always very angry that I went about my work shift not talking to her and steadily hustling, and repeatedly described me as “mean” for doing so. One time, she overheard me telling a customer to look me in the eyes when speaking with me, so she went upstairs to talk shit about me for saying that to a customer. Roxy spread many false rumors that I was telling customers not to tip her. I never once did that. It was just her own paranoia and lack of stage attractiveness that prevented customers from tipping her. Fart-sniffing Roxy identifies as a “guy” sometimes online. I always thought it was interesting that her online presence is a “queer” Tumblr type of a gender-informed SJW, but in the workplace, she often made fun of my svelte body when she didn't think I could hear her. Roxy has freakishly enormous tits, so she assumed she would automatically be a high earner as a stripper. When she didn't think I could hear her, she sometimes expressed confusion regarding my body type and high income. I am much more feminine and attractive than Roxy, but she couldn't wrap her mind around the discrepancies of our income in relative the discrepancies of our chest sizes and body hair. It's always interesting to me when California SJW Tumblr ShitLibs are such hate filled bigots in real life, and Roxy was a great reminder of that reality. When she didn't think I was around to hear her, she'd discuss my age in a disparaging manner, along with Taylor Miller and other low-income dressing room hags. I am more forgiving to Taylor Miller about the age comments, because Taylor doesn't present herself as some kind of morally sound SJW. I hate Roxy all the more because of it. She regularly posts “body positive” stuff on social media, but most of that is specifically for fat bitches like Lizzo who look like they have diabetes.

Imagine you're me in that situation for a moment with all of this, but in any profession. Imagine you've been in your profession for over a decade, and you're great at it. Imagine your workplace in being flooded by batshit insane bitches all the time who feel totally entitled to your work space, and who are angry at you for making way more money than them, so they slander you on a constant basis while you continue to try to perform your job.

When Roxy didn't think I was around to hear her, she discussed a desire to put the soundtrack from the movie Chicago on her playlist, because she believed it would bother me to hear it since she thought I am from Chicago. When Taylor Miller brought up her desire for me to “go back to Chicago,” Roxy also joined in on those conversations when she didn't think I could hear her. Roxy thought I should leave Tennessee and “go back to Chicago,” where I came from. Roxy, an obese Californian of Portuguese descent, making those statements about me, a blood child of Tennessee Pioneers deeply in my DNA and soul, was fucking absurd. When one encounters a fart-sniffing ShitLib like Cabral, one must make a comedy out of it, exhale, and move on to sell some more dances.

Roxy got drunk at Mouse's Ear from time to time. One time, she was aggressively drunk and went up to my stage to remove some “Asian” customers who she thought belonged to her. She and LaNae often expressed a sentiment that “Asian” customers belonged to them, and attempted to corral them in a miserly fashion. I think it had something to do with their interest in anime, and not any of the customer's expressed preferences. After Roxy removed that customer from my stage, I approached her stage to ask a customer if he wanted to get up and buy a dance from me. It's not something I would normally do to her, and I exclusively did it for vengeance. She became angry and confused when it happened. Roxy was usually too cowardly to ever confront me about most issues though. I only listened to them later.

On a random shift in mid-September 2019, Roxy came up to me and stated that she really admired my techniques. She stated that I am the best worker at Mouse's Ear. I was stunned, considering all of the clandestine conversations she was having about me, and the fact that she and I hadn't talked for several weeks. I thought she might have been baiting me, prompted by her new friend, DJ Chris Conner. I casually replied that I had been working in strip clubs for a long time, and that she could acquire skills with experience. She became upset by my reply, got up and walked away without speaking to me again for some time.

Roxy almost always discussed and slandered me when she didn't think I could hear her. There were a few exceptions where she was directly confrontational with me. Her birthday is in mid-October. She came to work on her birthday. That evening, I asked a random customer who was sitting by himself to get a dance. Roxy ran up to the table and said she would “beat his fuckin ass” if he got a dance from me, because it was her birthday and he was only allowed to get dances from her. She stated that it was also her dancer friend Gwen's birthday. That customer left without getting any dances from anybody. Most customers don't respond well to having some big fat bitch scream at them that they're going to get their fucking asses beat if they don't do what the big fat bitch says. Later on in her birthday evening, some customers were laughing at her while she was on stage, because she looks ridiculous aesthetically, she cannot dance well, and also because of her crappy music. She ran off the stage crying, ran upstairs and cried in the dressing room that she was being “LAUGHED OFF STAGE!” She left work early that shift and made a facebook post asking that her internet friends “validate” her in the comments section. One day in mid-October 2019, I came into the dressing room to hear a conversation between Brazil, Trinity, and LaNae. They were discussing how often Roxy harassed their customers to tip her when they didn't want to. Brazil stated that Roxy was mad about not making any money, so she was attempting to make everyone else mad too.

Some time after her birthday, Roxy approached me in the dressing room to inform me that I “look like a 1950's pinup.” It's always a red flag when someone says that to me. I don't know why, but the people who tell me I look like a 1950's pinup are always vile, with an underlying hatred for me and my classical Northwestern European bone structure and features. Their compliments are just the packaging that conceal a seething hatred for classically beautiful CisHetWhites. They are othering me in a backhanded way pretending to be a compliment. Considering the fact that I knew many of the things she was saying about me to other people regarding my body hair, chest size, age, and introvertedness, and the fact that we had not resolved any of our previous issues, it was just creepy as fuck to receive that random compliment from her. I didn't address that though, because I didn't need the argument. I was protecting my peace. I replied to her that I get told I look like a 1950's pinup a lot. She asked me if that was the look I was going for. I replied that it is not, and it is just something that just happens naturally. She was offended by my reply. We got on the topic of head hair length. I informed her that I had most of my head hair shaved off in 2013 and had to wear wigs at work in order to make money, because customers prefer long hair. I suggested that she wear wigs until her hair grows out. She replied that she was planning to move to a town called Portland, Oregon, where she would be more accepted and able to make money as she is. I replied that I had danced in Portland for many years, and long head hair is the desired trait there also. She was surprised and offended by this as well, and stated that she was thinking about working at a club called Dusk Till Dawn in Portland. That is one of the vegan strip clubs owned by predatory abuser John Zukle, who Matilda Bickers sued. I described John Zukle to her. Our conversation ended.

Roxy didn't like it when I fraternized with dancers who she was friendly with, because she is a territorial triangulating narcissist. I was friendly with dancer Brandy around this time, and sometimes Roxy would approach us conversing, interrupt us, and pull Brandy away from speaking with me.

Roxy's closest workplace friend was Allyssa Vance, stage name Gwen. I mentioned her earlier in this post. Gwen and I were workplace friends prior to Roxy being hired. After Roxy was hired and befriended Gwen, she didn't want Gwen to socialize me, so Gwen began to ignore me if Roxy was working. Gwen is a relatively demure, chinless, low-income dancer herself. She made a great beta side-kick with her workplace besties. Below is her photo.

In the next post, I will describe the circumstances before, during, and after my illegal termination at Mouse's Ear. Roxy was someone I associated with during this time. As mentioned, she will be featured in the next post.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Hailey Nicole Elmore

I really went back on forth on this one. Doxxing Sunshine was not an easy decision. She is a violent narcissist who, among other things, sexually harassed me by threatening to shoot a foam ball at me from her cavernous post-postpartum vagina. She is so sweet and vulnerable too though. She's been through a lot in life. One could argue that her traumatic life caused her to be the type of person she is. Sunshine has been mentioned in this series already. I haven't posted about her yet, because I couldn't decide if she was going to get doxxed. In the end, I decided that she's way too abusive and scabby to remain anonymous. Maybe this'll help her future abused coworkers to understand their workplace situation better. As with most previous entries, we will discuss her background, examine her vulnerabilities, highlight positive traits, while also delving into some of the problems and potential solutions.

Sunshine's real name is Hailey Nicole Elmore. Elmore is a very common Tennessee surname that can be found in many charming old cemeteries around the state. While predominantly descended from European colonists, Sunshine makes sure to notify people that she is a Native American, with no mentioning of tribal membership or affiliation. Sunshine is your standard doe-eyed and beautiful Tennessean. She has adorable dimples, prominent cheekbones, and a round cherubic face. She also happens to have a massive forehead and high hairline like Worf from Star Trek. She's very hourglass shaped. Her hair was bleached blonde when I first started working at Mouse's Ear in 2019, but she had the good sense to dye it back to a dark color. She was younger than most of the dancers at Mouse's Ear, and acted like a whiny brat most of the time. She has a precious voice and down home Tennessee accent, which is already slightly grizzled from hard living. Her voice is likely to continue getting grizzlier each year. At the rate she's going, her voice may be unrecognizable by the time she hits 30.

Sunshine once stated that her biological parents abandoned her at a Burger King when she was small. She stated that she had to bounce around to different foster and group homes after that. Another time, she stated that she was left at a McDonald's, not a Burger King. I've found Elmore family photos on facebook, where Sunshine is hanging out with her biological mother and siblings over the years, so I'm not sure what the whole foster care timeline is, or how much of what she says is true. At work, Sunshine used to brag about how she was “the hottest bitch” in her group home as a teenager, and brag about the males in the group home “wanting” her. What she described was sexual harassment and an abusive group home, but she didn't seem to be aware of how bad that situation was when bragging about it.

Several months before I started working at Mouse's Ear in 2019, Sunshine gave birth to a daughter. Sunshine stated that she was on recreational Xanax while being impregnated. Not long after Sunshine's daughter was born, the state of Tennessee took the baby away. From my understanding, Sunshine's biological mother was in regular contact with the state of Tennessee, regarding the welfare of the baby. Sunshine had been living in her car and sleeping in her car with the baby. I'm not sure what she did with the baby while she was working. Sunshine's partner is half black, so her daughter is one quarter black. At work, Sunshine used to enthusiastically brag about how her daughter inherited a light phenotype, blue eyes, and “looks white.” Personally I'm not the type to procreate with black guys, but I'd think that the mother of a mixed race child should not celebrate phenotype preferences in a way that could negatively effect the child's self esteem and self worth. At work, Sunshine stated that her biological mother falsely accused her of shaking the baby, blowing cannabis smoke in the baby's face, and starving the baby. From my understanding, prior to when I came to Mouse's Ear, Sunshine's mother called the authorities and had them search her belongings at Mouse's Ear. During the search, they found cocaine in her possession. From my understanding, the cocaine possession lead to her loss of custody, among other reasons. The entire time that I worked at Mouse's Ear, Sunshine's ongoing custody saga was discussed and dissected in the dressing room among herself and the other dancers. Sunshine was upset that her mother texted her and accused her of letting the baby eat diapers. Sunshine stated that the alleged diaper eating incident was another reason why she wasn't getting her custody back. Sunshine very much wanted her daughter back, and talked about it obsessively. She had moved into a cheap motel and was dealing with the daily grind of making sure she had enough money for her room each night. While I was at Mouse's Ear, she regained some form of custody, after securing an apartment and passing a drug test. CPS kept getting anonymously called on her after that though. At some point, a rumor started at work that I was the one calling CPS on Sunshine. While Sunshine is a violent bitch who doesn't deserve to take care of anything, I did not make any of those calls to CPS, or get involved in her custody bullshit. After Mouse's Ear fired me, I did see that she lost custody of her daughter again, and then her daughter got permanently adopted some place else. I was relieved to learn that the baby was permanently taken away from Sunshine, and will hopefully have a healthier home to grow up in.

Sunshine was in an on-again, off-again relationship with her baby daddy in 2019. His name is Justin Williams. Everyone from the 2019 Mouse's Ear dressing room knows all about Justin Williams. I hate Justin Williams. He was both physically and emotionally abusive to Sunshine, and he is a deadbeat parent. Justin Williams impregnated a different white woman prior to impregnating Sunshine, so he is the biological deadbeat parent of two daughters who are very close in age. His other daughter is named Navaeh. Sunshine used to refer to his other daughter as “Ugly Ass Navaeh,” because Sunshine had some jealousy issues regarding Justin having another daughter who wasn't hers. Sunshine often spoke of baby Navaeh like an evil stepmom would speak of a step daughter who she hated.

While working at Mouse's Ear, Sunshine earned a lot more money than Justin Williams did at his job. She is beautiful, bubbly, sociable with customers, charismatic, and a naturally talented dancer who enjoys music. She was one of the top earners at our club. Income disparity was a point of tension in her romantic relationship. Insecure Loser Males with high-earning stripper girlfriends will often have this problem in the relationship. Like many other strippers I've met who are in abusive relationships with losers, Sunshine used to hand her nightly earnings over to Justin Williams “to hold onto” for her. Sunshine referred to her Mouse's Ear money as “theirs.” When they went out to eat, she always made sure to discreetly hand him the cash, so he could manually pay for the food and “feel like a man” in front of the server.

In addition to neglecting baby humans, Justin and Hailey also had a difficult time taking care of their pet cat. They had to re-home their cat while I worked at Mouse's Ear. Despite Hailey's bad track record in taking care of dependents, she continued to try. Behind the Mouse's Ear's building, there is a small wooded area and parking lot, where a group of feral cats happily lived. When pulling into the Mouse's Ear lot, I often saw them frolicking and staring at people from their safe spots. Most people at work knew about them and appreciated their presence. Since Sunshine is a selfish narcissist, she informed everyone that she used to try to “catch” the cats and keep one for a pet. I always hoped that Sunshine would get a flat tire, break a limb, or otherwise be prevented from kidnapping a happy feral cat from it's colony behind the strip club.

Most of the dancers and staff at Mouse's Ear felt sorry for Sunshine. Most people thought she deserved to have her daughter back, hoped she'd find the strength to leave Justin, and believed that Sunshine's mom was evil for calling CPS on her own daughter. Most of the dancers and staff at Mouse's Ear were totally on Sunshine's side in all of her struggles. Sunshine comes off as both needy and charming, so she received a lot of help and community from our workplace. Khaleesi was always very worried for Sunshine's well-being, particularly when Sunshine did things like go to a hotel room by herself to dance for club customers at their hotel room bachelor party. Khaleesi tried to save and mentor her. She jokingly stated that she wanted to adopt Sunshine and take care of her like a daughter. Aspen has a difficult time not making fun of people to their faces, and sometimes Aspen made fun of Sunshine to her face, but there was also a lot of comradeship between those two. Ralph and Raven were very soft on Sunshine, and they always rooted for her. Unfortunately, Ralph and Raven's support for Sunshine included supporting her whenever she bullied dancers who she didn't like. Sunshine was extremely socially privileged at Mouse's Ear, due to her willingness to do whatever the Brownings said, her vulnerabilities, her attractiveness, innocence, and sales numbers. In most ways, Sunshine was the perfect employee for the Brownings. She was a the perfect scab for the Brownings. Ralph babied her and simultaneously exploited her labor, all while smiling and joking with her.

Despite her high income, Sunshine “borrowed” things from people all the time. Things she borrowed included snacks, cigarettes, and baby wipes. One of Sunshine's drug dealers with a Jewish man from Downer's Grove, Illinois. He used to come in to both buy dances and sell cocaine in the corner of the room. At first I thought he was just a normal customer, and I sold him some songs. However, he was instructed by Sunshine and other dancers to not talk to me or give me money. After that, he'd just smile and smirk at me without ever talking to me again, as though he had some grand secret he was keeping, and as though I wasn't aware that he was a cocaine dealer corrupting my workplace.

One of Sunshine's best workplace friends was a dancer who went by Gypsy. Gypsy's real name is Ambria Nicols. Ambria was friendly with me some of the time, and unfriendly with me other times. She smoked large amounts of cannabis out of her locker, and told me that she “doesn't agree” with the way that I hustle. Lilith regularly supplied Ambria with cannabis in the dressing room. When I asked Ambria to describe what she specifically doesn't agree with about my hustling, she was unable to elaborate. Some of Ambria's moods allowed her to defend me, by stating that the dancers at Mouse's Ear should stop being mean to me. However, if I ever defended myself or appeared bold, Ambria would stop being nice to me. If I appeared vulnerable, she would become more defensive. Ambria informed me that Selexa solicited her for sex before getting fired, and that she strongly disliked Selexa for harassing me and other dancers. However, Ambria was also friendly with Selexa in the workplace, in a fake way having to do with mutual enjoyment of cannabis and pleasant small talk. Ambria got a DUI while working at Mouse's Ear, and went to jail. She deserved to be in jail, for risking people's lives on the road with her intoxicated driving. When Ambria went to jail, Sunshine made facebook posts with the hashtag “FreeMyBitch,” referring to her desires for Ambria to be free. Bitch is a term of endearment among certain kinds of trashy females like Sunshine. Sunshine didn't believe her friend should've experienced negative consequences for threatening people's lives with drunk driving. Ambria couldn't drive to work after that incident, so she stopped working at Mouse's Ear entirely. I didn't like most of Ambria's moods, so I was very happy when she stopped being my coworker. Below is a photo of Ambria.

Sunshine was mostly a weather vane in terms of her willingness to be kind to people who her closest workplace associates did not accept. She had a tendency to go along with what everybody else thought and did. She was specifically instructed by the other dancers to be unkind to me, so she began complaining about me “cut throating,” and complaining when I did simple things like sell dances. Stupid Bitch Rachel Roberts had a strong influence on Sunshine's behavior, as did Lilith, and anyone else involved with excessive cannabis use in the dressing room. Sunshine would do things like verbally threaten to “kick my ass” for talking to a customer who she had previously sat with. When Rachel Roberts began harassing me for having wavy hair, suggesting I should use a hair straightener, Sunshine would make snide little remarks about how I should use a hair straightener as well. Occasionally she'd throw an elbow out if she walked past me, or cough while saying “WHORE” at me. She'd often refer to me as a “snitch,” because I addressed workplace problems with the Brownings when they arose. At times when I didn't put up with predatory abuse from violent misogynist customers, Sunshine would refer to me as “a bitch.” One time, she encouraged the customers who she was sitting with to whip quarters at me while I was on stage. My solution was to ignore her most of the time. I knew that the Brownings and my coworkers were not going to help me. Her bizarre workplace abuse toward me was all the more strange, because she would also express confusion and discontent if we walked past each other and I ignored her. She'd complain about how “stuck up” I am for not engaging more with her. Sunshine had a tendency to get along with more aggressive and misogynist clients. One time I was upstairs in the dressing room and described some downstairs customers as “douchey.” Sunshine shouted “I love douchey!” and immediately ran downstairs to fraternize with them. Sometimes at the end of the night, she would announce how much money she made, and try to get me to state how much money I made. Sunshine would regularly ask to “borrow” things from me in the same manner she did with her friends. One time, she randomly asked to “borrow” ten dollars from me, after calling me a “whore” during the previous shift that we had together. She was upset that I wouldn't loan her ten dollars.

Sunshine was often confused about how I was able to sell so many songs while having a modest bosom that was neither surgically altered, nor naturally large like hers. Sunshine often stared at my chest in confusion as I danced for entranced customers, as though she was trying to figure out a mystery. Sunshine and her voluptuous friend Rachel Roberts discussed their confusion about my sales numbers. Sometimes if Sunshine sold a table dance in close proximity to me selling a dance at the same time, she would rapidly shake her tits in spastic jerking motions, repeatedly glance over at me while jerking her fat saggy postpartum tits, and try to draw as much attention to her chest motions as she possibly could. In my almost seventeen years of dancing, I've noticed that there are a lot of big titty bitches who feel confused and insecure when they are out-earned by svelte dancers such as myself. Many big titty bitches grew up in a mainstream culture that told them the only way for a woman to be attractive is by having a front side that resembles a steatopygia backside. They received a lot of affirming attention and comments from a certain percentage of males who prefer big breasts. So, when these kinds of women start their jobs at the strip clubs and find successful dancers who conflict with their worldview, they can sometimes react angrily.

Sunshine used to accuse dancers who she didn't like of being uncleanly or having unwashed genitals. I never saw any hygiene issues with any of the dancers who she criticized. I always thought this tendency of Sunshine's was something she picked up from her friend Rachel Roberts.

Sunshine can be a really sweet person sometimes. Maybe she will get better with time and therapy. In the great Nature Versus Nurture debate, one could argue that there are systemic ways to prevent people like Sunshine from existing. Systemic changes could include more stable group homes without misogynist environments of harassment, the teaching of women's rights in public education, extra-curricular self-esteem workshops for females, education on worker solidarity. Maybe there are ways to teach young women that their patronizing old man bosses are never their friends, and are only nice to them so they can have an easier time exploiting their labor and using them as scabby tools. Cognitively, I understand why Sunshine turned out to be such a horrible person, but I can't fucking stand the bitch as much as I try to intellectualize it. Not everyone with horrible upbringings turn out like Sunshine, so one could argue that she is inherently terrible. Honestly, I don't think she will change much or ever become interested in worker rights. I checked Sunshine's facebook profiles (there are several) during the making of this series. After she permanently lost custody of her daughter, she and Justin made another baby together in their turbulent relationship. As climate change wreaks havoc on Earth and we face the threat of nuclear fallout from Russia, Hailey and Justin continue to fuck and fight, break up and reunite.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Ashley Eldridge

I might be going to hell for this one if there is such a place, but it's just too fun to not post. There's a lot I've been wanting to say about Ashley Eldridge, and most of it is not very nice. It's been festering these past three years or so. Pardon me. Just assume I am a terrible person and continue reading if you want some BBQ, because it's time for a roast.

Most strip clubs don't have limits on the number of dancers who can work each night. It benefits the club to provide a wide variety of selections for the customers. Dancers who must compete with one another are more likely to be less strict with their boundaries, invest more time in trying to get a particular customer to spend money, and be more desperate. It never benefits the dancers when clubs saturate their market with as much competition as possible. The fact of the matter is, some people are just too ugly to become strippers, but they become strippers anyway.

Ashley Eldridge loved pleasing Stupid Bitch Alex Cave. She'd please Alex by giving away significant portions of her pittance as “tips,” and sweetly talking to Alex every time she did so. Ashley was always very complicit in her own exploitation. Ashley Eldridge is not an educated person in terms of worker rights. She is not a rebellious person. She'd get upset if she overheard me bringing up our rights in relative to tipping Alex. Sometimes when Ashley overheard Alex express discontent about not being able to bully me into more extortion, Ashley would comfort Alex. Ashley Eldridge is a Grade A, Bona Fide Scab if there ever was one.

Ashley Eldridge is from Maynardville, Tennessee. Her stage name is Trinity. Maynardville is about an hour's drive outside of Knoxville. While in Tennessee, I spent some of my time in the neighboring rural town of Tazewell. Tazewell is a short drive from Maynardville, and it's everything one would expect in rural East Tennessee. There was even a donut shop in Tazewell called MAGA donuts, named after the presidential acronym. I used to purchase non-dairy Thai tea at MAGA donuts. I had to drive through Maynardville when I left Tazewell on my way to Knoxville. Like most of the people from this area, Ashley Eldridge is a loser who proudly flies The Loser Flag. Below is a Loser Flag photo that I found on her facebook.

Ashley Eldridge is proud to be descended from losers who lost The War of Northern Aggression. She thinks it's an integral part of her heritage. As mentioned in previous posts, I am maternally descended from Tennessee losers, but I don't fly Ashley's Loser Flag. I cannot imagine fighting a war to make sure I kept my right to have all of those Africans in my living spaces. The South lost the war because of distinct tactical errors and stupidity. Similarly, Loser Ashley sucks at hustling because of distinct tactical errors and stupidity, aside from her ugly face. Ashley Eldridge started dancing at Mouse's Ear in either the late Spring or early Summer of 2019. She never worked in a strip club before, as far as I knew.

Ashley has no rhythm. She is extremely country, wears scrunchies, and is a proud Walmart shopper. She married young and had two kids with her husband. She has that kind of edgy streak that rural conservatives display when they think they are cool by listening to Nickleback and getting piercings. In the dressing room, she proudly discussed her children's obsession with guns and their desires to join the United States military. Ashley is not very interesting or intriguing. She was not assertive or sensual when speaking with the customers. It is likely her husband was the only man she had ever been with. While hustling, she was unable to read random men and then morph into whatever character was needed to make them spend money. For all of these reasons and more, most customers had no interest in her whatsoever. But, a minority of customers did spend money on her, and that was enough to keep her going. It blew my mind that she continued to come to work many nights per week to make a pittance. She tried so hard. She's not very curvy, but twerked her ass on stage like she was in a T-Pain music video. It always makes me sad when I see my fellow svelte white women in doggy style dance positions, twerking their backsides for the steatopygia fetishes that they see in popular culture. Over time, most other dancers extended their kind sympathies to Ashley. She sweetly tried so hard in mostly fruitless efforts. It's always easier to give sympathy to coworkers who aren't competition. Ashley was nobody's competition, so a lot of people were nice to her. I recognized her for what she had the potential to become-- a Crybully who coasts by on peer sympathy.

Khaleesi appeared to be as stunned by Trinity's weirdness as I was, but Khaleesi's friends discouraged her from expressing any kind of comedic commentary. I kept my mouth shut about Trinity as well. I never discussed Trinity with Khaleesi, just quietly observed Khaleesi's reactions. I always wished Khaleesi's friends would've sicced her on Trinity before getting fired. Trinity would sit with customers for hours, clogging the money flow like a dressing room drain full of poopy baby wipes. It was frustrating to navigate around. It was much worse than the normally frustrating etiquette practice that the other dancers had when they sat sipping juice and left their cups on the table.

Ashley would sit for absurd stretches of time with a customer, doing nothing. There were instances where I watched, waited for her to get up, and she wouldn't get up. She'd just sit with an awkward smile, making no money. Sometimes she wouldn't even talk to them, but stare off into the distance with her uncomfortable grin, sitting right beside them. There were instances where I quickly approached the customer if she got up temporarily. I'd sell a dance while she was temporarily away. I was sometimes shunned by coworkers for that afterwards, particularly when Taylor Renae Miller was around to encourage everyone to dislike me. There were instances where customers expressed interest in me, I got called to stage, Ashley sat down with them to waste time while I was on stage, I needed to make money, and I quickly pulled them away to do a dance right after I got off stage. When working among dancers like Ashley, a good hustler must understand that she is nothing more than an obstacle to be worked around, an inanimate turd to avoid stepping on. Don't feel sorry for her. She shouldn't be working there. She has no right to waste your resources, but she will sit there wasting your resources and victimize herself when you make use of the resources that you need to live.

One person who didn't put up with the Trinity Pity Bullshit was Aspen. As much as I despise Justine Marie Cox, I loved seeing Trinity get Ass Bombed. It happened with regularity. Trinity would be sitting with a customer wasting time, and then Aspen would plop her fat ass down to interrupt, conquer, and sell. Trinity would look off into the distance with the same awkward smile, alone at the table, as Aspen whisked away the customer who Trinity had been sitting with. Aspen never experienced as much shunning and stigma for her actions as I did though, probably because Aspen is fat and ugly.

After Trinity had been working at Mouse's Ear for a month or so, she bragged about purchasing Jim Beam Honey in Maynardville, partying it up by drinking Jim Beam out of the bottle, walking around her home in her stripper heels, celebrating her new stripper life with her husband, Brandon Eldridge. There is a sweetness to a new stripper doing such things, certainly a sweetness to a rural gal from Maynardville doing such things, but it's also utterly cringe. Her husband Brandon Eldridge is also cringe. Brandon Eldridge is part of an Outlaw Support Group. He's not an actual Outlaw-- just the support. I cannot imagine being so dorky and impressed with a biker gang that I would dedicate my time to being a support mechanism in some weird fantasy that I am a tough hip guy for doing so.

I never heard of The Outlaws until moving to East Tennessee in 2019. There is a man in the hollers who claims to be in the Witness Protection Program, for snitching on Taco Bowman in a way that sent Taco to prison. Some individuals who I socialized with in the hollers were this man's neighbor, and they knew exactly who Taco Bowman was, because previous generations of their own kin were Outlaws. These individuals never told The Outlaws about their neighbor in Witness Protection, because even though the neighbor is an asshole, they don't like The Outlaws, or care to help supporters of Taco Bowman. From 2019 onward, I came to understand that The Outlaws are a loser group of ugly males with motorcycles, who have a misconception that they are groovy in a masculine way. They think they are important guys. They are from certain unwashed cannon fodder strains of Caucasoids, they are almost always low-IQ, and they gather in groups to engage in risky, low-reward criminal activities. They hold a lot of misogynist sentiments. Outlaws often strut around wearing flamboyant, intricately decorated outfits to let everyone know who they are. Outlaws exclusively pick ugly, degenerate pleb women as their wives and girlfriends. Outlaws are concentrated in the Midwest and Southeastern parts of the United States, but they're all over the country. Not every man can become an Outlaw, and that's where Ashley's husband Brandon Eldridge found his place-- as Outlaw Support.

In addition to waving the Loser Flag and supporting The Outlaws, Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge are also proud Odinists. They wear Heathen jewelry in some of their facebook photos, such as their Thor's Hammer necklaces. Ashley is very proud of her Viking heritage, which historically pre-dates the Loser Flag heritage. I have some Viking heritage too. Ashley and I have a lot in common, genetically speaking. One day, she came to work sporting some type of hairdo that was supposed to be traditional Viking braids, but it looked more like cornrows. I showed an ex of mine a photo of her, and he succinctly put it;

“That girl looks like the worst of the British Isles, rolled up into 53 other European countries, shat out through the lens of poverty.”

I was always entertained by what kinds of customers Brandon Eldridge's wife had to resort to dancing for, after the decent ones were taken. The more experienced, skilled, and physically attractive hustlers at Mouse's Ear sifted through to the higher spending, easier-to-handle customers. This often left Brandon Eldridge's wife with whatever leftovers were around, after everyone else profiled and picked through. This often meant Brandon Eldridge's wife danced for demographics of men who were on the lower end of the income bracket, demographics who came from adverse backgrounds, demographics who were more difficult to manage and shake down for money. I won't get into demographic specifics, but I will say that I enjoyed watching Brandon Eldridge's wife get stuck with all the demographics that I wanted nothing to do with. I know that the Eldridge family was struggling financially in 2019, and it's fun for me to think about all of the exotic demographics of men who peered into Brandon's wife's genitalia up close. Brandon presents himself as a proud, masculine Viking male with his family, home, hearth, blood, and soil. Sometimes, I sit around thinking about Brandon's fondness for The Loser Flag and Outlaw support, and I giggle when considering the customers who his wife had to dance for to make ends meet, when Brandon was unable to support his family by himself.

At some point, Taylor Renae Miller took Ashley under her wing. I can see why she would do that. Ashley posed no threat to Taylor's income. It would benefit Taylor Renae Miller to encourage a pitifully ugly and demure dancer to stay. It benefits Taylor's bank account and ego to do things like that. When Taylor didn't think I was around to hear her speaking with Trinity, she frequently brought up my age in a negative way, as though I shouldn't have been there because I was thirty-three years old and better at sales. Trinity was in her late twenties when she started working at Mouse's Ear, so the age gap between us wasn't significant. Regardless of the meager few years, Taylor Renae Miller used it against me. I don't feel bad about being a stripper in my thirties whatsoever. I have very limited wrinkles and grey hairs, and even if I did, I'd still be pretty. Most dancers in their thirties make more money than they did in their twenties, because they have refined their hustle, cut the bullshit, and use their time wisely. In the misogynist entertainment industry, women are considered curdled by their late twenties. My customers never had a problem with my age, but my age is often weaponized by losers in the industry, be them scabs who want me gone, or owners and managers who think bringing up my age will make me feel sad. I've definitely age shamed homely old scab ladies on this blog too-- people like Melanie Christiance, Seraphina Richman, and Diamond of Teazers. I should've clarified that their weird fake orange tans, old lady fried hair, and overall grossness is what is specifically troublesome and ugly. Stumpy Dumpy Taylor's age shaming toward me was a completely different situation. After Taylor began mentoring Trinity, Trinity started to interrupt my hustling from time to time, in attempts to steal customers from me. Her attempts never worked, because her face is so hideous that no man would ever be tempted to prefer her.

As noted in a previous entry, Taylor operated under the delusion that I was “scared to death” of her. At some point, she came up with a theory that if she stayed by Trinity's side at all times, I'd have a difficult time selling dances to customers in their vicinity. Taylor confidently vocalized this theory.

While at Mouse's Ear, I never had any qualms about speaking with customers who were sitting at my stage when I was the one dancing on stage. That is the norm at almost every strip club across America. Trinity always creeped me out when she sat up there with the customers while I was on stage. I tried to block it out as much as possible, but I had to make money, and sometimes she was sitting at the stage with a customer whose money I wanted. One time, Taylor Miller sat next to Trinity while she was with a customer at my stage. Taylor said to her,

“I'll stay with you here, because she won't come back over here if I'm here.”

Taylor acted like she was being a guardian angel for Trinity, sitting with her at my stage while I was dancing. So, I made an extra effort to stay right there, and talk to the customer who these two bitches were trying to guard. I made very intense eye contact with him, in a way that caused him to dismiss both Trinity and Taylor. I liked going in for the kill. He enthusiastically said,

“Your eyes are HYPNOTIZING.”

I asked him if he wanted a couch dance after my stage set was over. He agreed, and I got off stage for a sale. I continued to talk to him during the dance and convinced him to get five more songs, which was hilarious and lucrative. Male approval shouldn't matter, but I just liked the sport of it, and making sure that Ugly Trinity and Dumpy Taylor knew their place after trying to fuck with my money. Trinity and Taylor were sitting there staring at us, expecting him to return to them after the first song he bought from me ended. He emptied his entire wallet for me after the sixth song, then left. Taylor and Trinity were still sitting at the empty stage as they watched him exit the building. He didn't even say goodbye to them. Later on in the dressing room when Trinity didn't think I could hear her, she was ranting to the other hags about me. She stated that I “would not let” the customer get up from the couch during those six songs. She stated that he got up and left because of me. All of those statements were shockingly untrue and absurd. That customer liked talking to me the entire time he was there. He was a professional bug exterminator who has been on the second floor of Elvis's house in Graceland, to deal with an insect infestation. Infiltrating the second floor of Graceland is an interest of mine, so I was fascinated to hear about it. He enjoyed giving me all of the money in his wallet, even though I made no physical contact with his disgusting body, all because I have beautiful eyes, I am fun to talk to, and I am not a dumpy tattooed chain smoking single mom, nor am I a Loser Flag waving homely hick from Maynardville. He left the building because he completely ran out of money, not because he was bothered by me or forced to do anything.

In subsequent shifts, after the incident with the bug exterminator, Trinity began ranting about “karma” within earshot of me. She has an inaccurate, hodge-podge understanding of Eastern philosophy and the concept of karma. Taylor never educated her on Respecting The Hustle. Trinity was sick of being poor. Her home's air conditioner was broken for part of the Summer in 2019, and she was working many days per week to support her family. I'm not sure what was going on with Brandon Eldridge that caused his homely wife to need to spend all of those nights in the strip club like that. Trinity began posting memes about karma on her facebook during this time frame. I guess when you're a pathetic loser with nothing going for you, waving the Stars and Bars, the only light in the darkness is the hope that your enemies will suffer some time in the distant future because of things they did that you didn't like.

One day, Ashley was swearing profusely about a customer who she had spent significant time with, who gave her no money. She screeched near my ear,

“I'll make 'im pay for SIX couches next time!”

Trinity's leech-like behavior with her dancer friends was interesting to watch. Taylor and the others encouraged Trinity to harvest a tough outer shell, in order to get by socially. By the time Beautiful Bunny started working at Mouse's Ear, Trinity had already developed her workplace bitch behavior at Taylor's instructions. Multiple times, I sat back and watched random customers turn down Trinity after she sat with them for long stretches of time. These same customers would take one look at Bunny and purchase couch dances from her right away, because Bunny is so striking to look at. It gave me great joy to watch all of that. Trinity always looked so confused and betrayed by it, as though she had no idea how unsightly she is or how beautiful Bunny is. One time, Trinity sat with a guy at the stage for over an hour. He gave her no money during that entire time, I later learned. When Bunny got on stage, he tipped her a twenty dollar bill right away. Trinity went upstairs to rant about it in the dressing room with her hag homies. She began bullying Bunny, just like other dancers who bullied high earning newer dancers. It blew my mind to watch the evolution of Trinity from Ugly Demure Scruncie Newcomer, to Ugly Jaded Dressing Room Hag, in only a few short months.

One tactic of psychological warfare that enemies use on me is imitation. Many of my readers are well aware of this tactic. People will copy or imitate me in an attempt to drive me crazy. There came a point late into my employment at Mouse's Ear that Ashley began styling her hair in ways that my hair was styled. She'd apply a bunch of mousse to make it look wavy like mine, then sit next to me when she normally wouldn't, to ensure that I saw her hair. If my hair was up, she would put it up right away. If I took mine down, she would take hers down right away. However, Ugly Ashley's imitation never worked for her financially.

One time I was feeling generous and tried to get in Ashley's good graces. I did this by encouraging my customer to tip her on stage while I was with him. Instead of thanking me for my extended olive branch, Ashley decided to be a cunt about that, by snobbishly walking up to my customer, saying “THAAAANK YOU,” and sneering at me as though she thought she had one over me, when in fact I was the one who instructed my customer to give her that money.

After the temporary time that LaNae quit, a new dancer started working there. Trinity was feeling sassy in terms of longevity. She began speaking like a jaded stripper who has stacked decades of work, and stated,

“I'm gone for a day, LaNae quits, and a new girl starts!”

Trinity is a bisexual. She used to brag about her sexual orientation in the workplace all the time, as though she thought it made her unique or special in some way. She'd sit blankly with customers, staring at other dancers give table dances, and then break into monologues about how she enjoyed looking at female genitalia. She acted as though it was a selling point that would encourage customers to want her. Brandon Eldridge allows her to court lesbians and have extramarital sexual relations with them while he watches. I'm not sure if he engages in three-ways with them. Ashley's extramarital affairs with other ugly hillbilly females was always a bragging point for her. A morbidly obese swinger couple used to come into Mouse's Ear and not spend money. They'd just sit there and talk about being swingers for several hours, once or twice per month for date night. Ashley befriended them, and they were her go-to table whenever she was feeling down about having a particularly shitty night. I'm not sure what this couple did for money during the work week, but they were offended that I spent my work time hustling, rather than sitting with them for free like Ashley did. They were oblivious to the economic and political dynamics of Mouse's Ear. It seemed as though all they understood was Trinity No Make Money, Wendy Bad, Wendy Make Money.

One time I had a conversation with Lilith and Trinity about my Tennessee heritage. Despite Lilith and Trinity's fixation with being Vikings and an overreaching pride in being Southern, they told me that I was not Southern, firmly expressed that I am an outsider, and do not recognize me as one of their own. Southerners like Ashley and Lilith are very insecure and snobby like that, while also being poor and disgusting. Lilith, Trinity and I discussed the use of the term “yunz” and “yunzinz” versus “y'all” in their geographic area, and other such cultural particulars. That was an interesting conversation.

The most intriguing thing about Trinity is that she was still working at Mouse's Ear the last time I checked a few months ago. Her longevity is impressive, and another shining example of how a dancer usually survives in a workplace by being submissive, letting the staff extort her, and gathering with other dumb ugly bitches of similar low-calibur. It's why a lot of more attractive dancers frequently travel to work, even if they aren't litigious like me-- because the townie pleb locals will eventually try to destroy the gems for standing out, succeeding, or being different in an interesting way. Only the demure and ugly ones survive long term in any one place, generally speaking.

Anyway, that's just a bit about Trinity. She and Brandon are separated now, according to their facebook statuses. I was sad to see that, even as it's fun to make fun of them on here. Hopefully they work things out and remain a relic of old world rural Tennessee, square and stubborn and ridiculous and precious. I long for a permanent home, roots, Southern social acceptance, and job security. Ashley is rich in ways I am not.

TL;DR: Loser Flag waving ugly scab hillbilly bitch who can't hustle and doesn't care about labor rights maintains her job for years by coasting by on peer sympathy and the likes of Taylor Renae Miller, tips Stupid Bitch Alex Cave in complicit acts of her own exploitation, shames me for standing up for my labor rights and hustling in a businesslike manner, considers me a total yankee despite our shared ancient history spanning from Dixieland to the Viking age.


Hi fans! Sorry I have to put my site on private sometimes for certain reasons. I’d really like to get back to Mouse’s Ear Memoirs, but thought I’d put out a Most Wanted List again:

#1: Information on Jeremy Loewenstein’s knowledge of me while working at Coyote in Crawfordsville

#2: Information about Amber Loewenstein’s knowledge of me while working at Coyote in Crawfordsville

#3: Where James Charles Link left the bodies of the seven people he murdered.

#4: Any and all information regarding blacklisting efforts aimed at me.

Happy Independence Day! Independence from British rule is a beautiful thing, in all it’s imperfections and room for improvement.

To all strippers suing their workplaces or fighting forces much larger than you— know that you are never alone, you are not insane, you are supported, loved, and appreciated by a vast network of activists who are rooting for you utterly in all of your imperfections! Strip club owners, managers, DJs, patrons, scabs, and fans have nothing on us, and we will win the war!


I don't usually talk about my personal life so publicly, but I feel the need to clarify the shower issue regarding James Charles Link, and go into detail about some of his other problems. Pardon the tangent and additional interruptions of Mouse's Ear Memoirs. My hypergraphia tendencies get the best of me sometimes. James has gone out of his way to discuss me publicly when he knew I didn't want him to-- so why not return the favor? The following is not a comprehensive post about him-- just a fragment of the information that I have. I'm doing a good deed for the next woman who may fall victim to his charms. These are things I wish I knew ahead of time. I never would have tracked down his home phone number and called him if I knew these things ahead of time.

I've camped and traveled all over the United States and Western Europe. Sometimes daily showers aren't available. I've had intimate partners who didn't shower regularly-- a freight train hopper, a vagabond who slept in redwood forests, and a Wandergessellen straight out of Deutschland. They all smelled like sweat and pheromones, and I liked it. They're also good at keeping secrets, and some of them are still my allies. I understand the arguments against daily showers. The issues with James Charles Link was a whole other ball game.

I was sitting on Jimmy's lap at the Recovery Rec Center where he was “volunteering,” when I noticed a strange funky odor. I thought it was the couch we were on. It was a rotten, ass-like smell that one might expect on the upholstery of a rural Indiana Narcotics Anonymous couch, so I didn't think much of it. The top portion of his body smells good. Later in the evening, on a different couch at the Recovery Rec Center, I was again sitting on Jimmy, when he removed his pants. All of a sudden, a poopy bio-waste stench started wafting, clouding my sinuses. Jimmy was excited that he had gotten this far with me at all-- it was the farthest we had been at that point, in terms of physical intimacy. I became nauseous as I sat there inhaling, wondering what in the fuck. Jimmy is missing half a testicle, and he wanted to show me his 1.5 balls. He was very focused on the entertainment aspect of missing half a ball. I wanted to be polite, but I just blurted out that his genitals stank. I couldn't find the source of the odor at first. His circumcision scar is jagged and ugly, yes, but many United States males have the same genital mutilation. I barely noticed his missing half testicle that he insisted on showing me. Soon thereafter, I noticed a thick white goop in between his legs-- where the thigh meets the pelvis, and in between. It was pooled. It looked like he took ricotta cheese and smeared it all up in the crevices of his private parts. The ungodly, horrifying, reeking infection continued to permeate, like an evil genie being released out of it's bottle. I started shrieking like I was in a horror movie. He wouldn't let go of my hand because he was still focused on trying to show me that he was missing half a testicle. He wanted me to feel his half testicle. He firmly forced my hand to his genitals, even as I pulled away and told him to stop. He was ignoring me and the smell. I don't know how someone gets to that fungal point in hygiene without realizing that something is awry, without being concerned about it's potential effect on a lady's company. Didn't it burn, I wondered? Didn't it itch? It was a moist, thriving ecosystem down there, in between his legs, with red inflamed skin along the edges of the goop. It was like a Chinese wet market or Wuhan petri dish down there, stinking of exotic life forms, producing the next strain of a global pandemic. I had to lean over the couch to catch my breath, because I felt so sick at both the smell and sight of it. I have never smelled anything so horrifying on a human body in my entire life, goddamned ever. It was Midevil. Oh my fucking god. It was Bubonic Plague level filth on this Recovery Rec Center couch in Crawfordsville, Indiana.

Jimmy identifies as a “grower,” because his dick is rather small when flaccid. When he finally acknowledged what was going on with my nose, his dick rapidly deflated like a balloon letting out air. I laughed at it, and our play time was over. He put his pants back on. An argument ensued. He angrily explained to me that with his six cats at home, his mother and grandmother decided to use the bathtub as a giant kitty litter box. Therefore, with the tub being a giant kitty litter box, the shower at his home isn't available for use. His mother and grandmother go to their friend's house to shower, his grandfather doesn't shower at all, and he stated that he occasionally goes to his friend's house to shower. He was angry with me for rejecting him sexually and questioning his hygiene, as though I was the one with the problem. He began trembling with Male Rage. He insisted that the white stuff was baking soda. It sure as hell didn't smell like baking soda to me. He told me that the rash and stench was the result of doing carpentry work. I've spoken with a lot of carpenters who have never even heard of this problem. I have asked a dozen or so tradespeople about this issue since it happened. Most of the tradespeople I've asked have been union, and the most logical answer I got was,

“He's a rat. That sounds like a problem a rat would have. People who work rat are too dumb to know how to wash their balls with soap and water.”

Jimmy has multiple personalities that I was unaware of, up until that point on the couch with the ricotta. I wish someone would've warned me beforehand about everyone inside of his head. Dustin Zahn, for example, could’ve notified me that Jimmy has multiple personalities when he introduced us, before going off to cheat on his wife Amy Shelton. After I rejected Jimmy sexually, the angry personality burst out of him. I get giggly panic attacks, where I am so nervous that I start laughing uncontrollably. I wasn't laughing because it was funny, or because I was relaxed. I thought he was going to hurt me. His fists were clenched, he was holding them up like he was going to box at various points, trauma-dumping about his horrible childhood, oscillating back and forth between his normal personalities and his angry personality. A nice one kept warning me about “Him.” At one point, he put his hands around my throat in some type of choke, and warned me that “He” will do that to me if I continue to pursue him, and that I should stay away from “Him.” He kept going into the bathroom to talk to himself in the mirror, then pacing back to me to yell some more. His personalities were talking to each other.

I should note that Jimmy occasionally code switches in a Rachel Dolezal fashion. He lies about being “part black,” even though he is white. I do not believe he has any black in him whatsoever. He occasionally humble-brags about having “lived in a black neighborhood.” I know there really aren't black neighborhoods in his home town of Crawfordsville, Indiana, so I had to grill him to find that he was referring to some vague time in his twenties when he lived in Decatur, Illinois. This was allegedly when he joined the Bloods and murdered seven people. It is interesting to me that Jimmy desperately wishes he had some African ancestry and lies about it. Crawfordsville is an incredibly white town, and it's interesting how desperately some of it's cracker citizens want a connection to oppressed minority populations, so much that they make up fake identities to tell people. This might happen because it makes them feel valorous to think they're victims of racial oppression.

Jimmy was complaining about his “blue balls” during his tantrum. A part of me was just laying there marveling at the freak show before me. A part of me wanted to get out of there, but we were all alone in the Recovery Rec Center building, in the middle of the countryside. If I screamed, nobody would hear me. I thought that if I bolted out of there right away, something bad would happen, such as getting bludgeoned to death on my way out. In those moments, I thought about Jeffrey Dahmer's first kill, when he spontaneously bludgeoned a guy to death for wanting to leave his house early. Jimmy was frantically searching for objects with which to kill himself. I thought it would be better to stay with Jimmy and calm him down until 10PM rolled around and it was time to go our separate ways as planned.

After Jimmy had calmed down and we were hanging out again, he continued to repeatedly take my hand and move it toward his groin, trying to force me to sexually touch him. He repeatedly forced my hand in a stroking motion. It was fucking disgusting, but I still had a misconception that we could have a normal interaction of some kind, or that it might work out. I have since called a women's crisis line about the thing he did with my hand, to which I was advised that “he is poison” and will always be poison. Every time I pulled away and told him no, he would apologize, and then do it again a few minutes later. He also begged me to have intercourse with him, and tried to convince me that it would be OK with regards to the ricotta as long as contraceptives were used. He tried to remove his pants again. I had to yell at him to keep them on. Jimmy trauma-dumps during almost every conversation I have ever had with him, perhaps as a manipulative tactic to get one to feel sorry for him. As much as I understand the situation now, his trauma-dumping was working at the time, because I did feel sorry for him, and I experienced extremely intense feelings of sympathy and concern for his well-being. He continued to bring up his sexual desires, even after I made it clear that I wasn't interested. Even the first time we hung out, before this evening, I said I just wanted to talk and get to know one another. The first time we hung out, he wouldn't let me go anywhere else in his room besides sitting on his bed, and he repeatedly asked me to lay on him and “grind” against him. He was displeased that I was unwilling to do that. Perhaps because he frequents the dirtiest of strip clubs, he thinks that is what I would want to do right away while hanging out. He cut me off mid-sentence almost every time that I spoke, tried to guess what he thought I was going to say, and then responded to his own guesses. To reiterate-- he finishes sentences for me, inaccurately, and then replies to himself. So, he doesn't actually know much about me, aside from his own guesses and replies.

James Charles Link pursues few different categories of women as potential mates. He is extremely sweet and charismatic when one first meets him, so a lot of women become interested in him at first. He also masks who he truly is. I will describe these categories of women below.

One category is the Fat Single Mom. These ladies are lonely townie types, and they like his flirty fun company. None of them are stupid enough to have him as a committed partner, but it's fun to have him as an orbiter. Secretly he is a misogynist pervert who hates “being in the friend zone.” Many of these women are alcoholics or drug addicts themselves, so they have that in common with him. Jimmy makes fun of fat people privately, but he also realizes that the fat single townie moms are more in his league, so he orbits them in hopes that some day, one will be his girlfriend, or at the very least, have sexual relations with him when they're emotionally vulnerable.

A second category are his E-Girls-- Jimmy follows dozens if not hundreds of internet models on Instagram and social media, as assorted jerk off material. Many of them are obviously young enough to be his daughters. I'm not sure if he actually thinks he can get with any of the E-Girls, or if he just likes looking. One can easily scroll through all of the ladies who he follows on social media, to see his numerous hearts that he clicks on for all of them when they post a new picture.

A third category are the “sex workers” at the local strip club, where he goes with Dustin Zahn when Dustin Zahn wants to cheat on his wife Amy Shelton. It's a small town, so some of these women are people who he grew up with and has known for decades. Some of these women know about his traumatic upbringing, and they feel sorry for him enough to allow him in their circles, even though he is a terrible person. When he first met me, he assumed I was in my early twenties, and he assumed I was similar to my coworkers. Most of his stripper friends are third-wave feminist SJW types, who think of themselves as opposed to things like rape culture and workplace exploitation, even though their boss Jeremy Loewenstein is a disgusting piece of shit who promotes rape culture, labor violations, and illegally fired me. These types of women are the garden variety poseurs who believe they are subversive in some way because of their gothic/indie fashion statements. You can find them on social media, virtue signaling about whatever SJW du jour topic is trending. These women are not really subversive at all though. They don't mind colluding with shitty men, exploitative bosses, and other hierarchical entities that they have no interest in challenging. These women are not risk takers in any regard. Jimmy feels better about himself for being considered their friend, because he is a borderline Male Feminist. We've covered Male Feminists in depth on this site already, but in a nutshell-- Male Feminists are the worst type of disingenuous leftist garbage.

Aside from the previous three categories of ladies who James Link pursues, he also pursues an assortment of waitresses, customer service workers, and any other attractive female who he bumps into around town and can fantasize about sexually. He'll take pictures with them and post about them on social media, as much as they will allow him to do. He follows their social media profiles as much as possible, in the off chance that one will copulate with him.

All of these categories of ladies can overlap too. For example, there are waitresses who are also e-girls, or strippers who are single moms, etc. He makes his facebook profile appear much nicer than he actually is, in part to attract potential mates. His posts include outings with his mother who he secretly hopes dies, and up until meeting me, he'd frequently post pictures of his cats with cute little captions about them. Despite all of these women who he socializes with, he almost never actually does attract a mate to copulate with. He was an incel when we were spending time together, and angrily yelled about the whole situation after I rejected him. He doesn't understand why none of his lady friends want to be his girlfriend, or at least see his genitals. He is aggressively polyamorous by nature. If he could be a player, he would be a player, but no women are interested enough in him to the degree that he can be a player. He is simultaneously searching for a monogamous female, but no monogamous females consider him as a serious partner. It is quite the predicament for him.

Jimmy has a problem where he calls most females he meets “Beautiful,” rather than by our actual names. He thinks this is a nice thing to do, when actually it's depersonalizing, degrading, and upsetting to any one individual who wants to feel secure as a recognized person. He is totally unaware of why this is harmful and hurtful, because he is a raging narcissist and covert misogynist. I badly wanted him to call me by my name-- Brandi-- and he was rather resistant to doing that. He almost exclusively referred to me as Beautiful. I don't think he likes my name or enjoyed saying it aloud. He was raised by his grandmother, who feels sorry for him because of his abusive parents. She has babied him to contrast his trauma. The result is a very stunted adult male who is unable to meet the physical, emotional, or mental needs of anyone. He can't even meet his own hygiene needs to please a potential intimate partner. It is likely a female would catch a UTI from him, or worse. UTIs are not beautiful at all.

Jimmy repeatedly asked me to be his “girlfriend” while we were together. He'll take any Beautiful as a girlfriend. Specifics of a Beautiful aren't important; he hasn't had one in years. When the last one didn't work out, he got a stupid looking tattoo of a heart on the left side of his chest, with the words “No More Pain” on top. It is likely that he caused most of the pain in that relationship, and he is resentful at himself. He expressed a lot of anger about his previous girlfriend from roughly five years ago. I never wanted to be his girlfriend, even if I do have masochistic tendencies and intense feelings for him. I cannot imagine taking someone seriously who follows all of those Instagram accounts, someone who goes to strip clubs for fun, someone who is “close friends” with all of those Fat Horny Single Townie Moms, and someone with such stupid looking tattoos. Never in my life have any of my serious partners possessed those traits or tendencies. I am pretty sure he just wanted me to call myself his “girlfriend” so he could have a trophy, and to change his facebook status to “in a relationship.” Calling me by my name, letting me finish sentences, respecting my physical boundaries, being honest and trustworthy wasn't as important as giving me the “girlfriend” title, which I did not want.

Regardless of my rejecting the “girlfriend” title, I am a naturally monogamous person, so Jimmy was happy to know that I had no close-geographic interest in other mates while we were non-romantically seeing each other. He specifically asked me to be “exclusive” with him, which wasn't a problem for me at all. I am just wired that way. I asked him if he wanted to break things off after the ricotta stuff, and he said he wanted to “continue.” It just strikes me as odd that after those conversations, he would lie about his schedule and then ghost me. I guess technically, trying to ruin someone's life is a way to “continue” things.

It hurts me a lot to think about all of the times that he tried to remove my clothes or get me to touch his rancid genitals when I said no, because he does have his women friends who he hangs out with, and I just kept wondering,

“Why do they get to keep their clothes on and not be treated like shit? Why are you treating me this way?”

Presenting a normal image of himself for his extended family to see on facebook is very important to him. When his grandparents die, there will be assets to divvy up. He has two uncles and three women cousins who probably don't know the half of what he is up to when he's not posting cute photos of eating at restaurants with his mother and grandmother. I do not feel sorry for Jimmy fiscally. He is a white male who works for Dustin Zahn's family's flooring company part-time. He lives in the same town where he grew up, with many social connections and opportunities available to him, by virtue of knowing everybody around him. He doesn't have to pay rent, because he lives in his grandparents' home, which he claims he will be inheriting when they die. Most millennials do not have all of the riches and resources that are readily available to Jimmy. He also has a therapist, and many supporters. He doesn't need more sympathy from unsuspecting women who he takes big stinking trauma-dumps on.

Despite all of Jimmy's lady friends and surface-level feminist sentiments, he has a deep resentment for women. One can scroll through his facebook to find that he occasionally posts things about “toxic femininity” and other anti-feminist things. His closest female associates are women who hate Amber Heard, and who want to “treat Johnny Depp right.” He has had a few head injuries throughout his life, and he exhibits classical traits of a serial killer. Mommy Issues and Head Injuries are two factors that many serial killers have in common. Ed Gein, for example, has many things in common with James Link. I thought maybe I would be his next kill as I was laying there laughing, while his various personalities battled each other. One of his normal personalities is a guy who has been schooled by his third wave feminist SJW friends on matters of consent and boundaries, so it was a bit confusing when he was discussing the importance of consent one moment, asking me if I was ok, then flipped into a psychopathic serial killer sexual predator the next moment. But, since I lived in Portland, Oregon for so long, I do know that many of the leftist SJW types are often full of shit.

Jimmy is a necrophiliac. He told me about how he has consumed Wicky Stix, embalming fluid, and played with dead bodies at a funeral home. He told me that dead bodies excite him, and at one point he wanted to become a mortician. He posted a meme a year or two ago that was a picture of a dead woman's body on a water bed, with the text saying something about how raping a dead body on a moving water bed kind of feels like consent. Necrophiliac serial killer Ted Bundy used to stash victim's bodies in the woods, where he would return to rape the corpses. I can see Jimmy doing something like that. When I was telling a friend about this situation last month, she suggested that Dustin Zahn is in on it somehow, and she suggested the flooring company where they work, Zahn's Floor Covering, is where they get the floorboards to hide the bodies. It was a half-joke on her part, but I wouldn't be surprised if any of that were true. John Wayne Gacy appeared to be a normal, social, quirky suburban fat guy, but he had all kinds of surprises in his floors, as well as accomplices who were never caught.

Jimmy told me that his six cats were adopted as a litter of strays, and I didn't think much of it at the time, besides that it was sweet to take in strays. His kindness towards stray cats was something that originally made me like him and want to spend more time with him. I thought his facebook cat pictures were endearing, and I told him so, every time that he obsessively asked me to describe why I like him. However, a few weeks ago when I was scrolling through his social media, I found some really disturbing posts from a few years back that I hadn't seen before. He found a pregnant stray cat in his yard and lured her into trusting him. She gave birth to the kittens who he took in. He describes her birthing process with him having to reach his hand into her vagina to assist with the birth. When I started to think about that, I seriously questioned this feral cat's need for his help. I am not a feline obstetrics expert, but it struck me as weird. I contacted a friend from the backwoods of Georgia, who has seen animal births, about this situation. We agreed that while it's possible the cat needed help, Jimmy probably just took advantage of a feral cat giving birth, or as the individual I spoke with stated,

He wanted some pussy, so he put his hand in a pussy's pussy.”

Jimmy posted a photo of the mother cat nursing her kittens, and wrote something about how while he doesn't have kids himself, he was honored to have the mother cat trust him enough to press her paw on him while she was nursing. He was treating the cat like she was his wife giving a home birth that he helped with, and then she cuddled him while breastfeeding.

Jimmy is very interested in birth, and told me very quickly about his desire to be a parent. It is one of his main goals in life. He was excited to learn that I have never taken birth control, as though he was instantly plotting to impregnate me. That is another reason why I avoided contact with his genitals, subconsciously. Jimmy has negative feelings on abortion, and claims to have been a rape baby himself. He also informed me that he impregnated a girl when they were teenagers, but that her parents made her get an abortion. When he angrily relayed this abortion anecdote to me, he was expecting me to feel sad about it, but I don't think that's a sad story at all.

(By the way-- to whoever those parents were who prevented such a demon seed to be born-- props to you. You not only made sure that your daughter was not stuck with an abusive, violent psychopath forever, but you also prevented the propagation of his genetic materials. You did a great thing in sponsoring that abortion, and I salute you.)

Jimmy projects personalities onto his animals, personalities that I do not believe actually exist within the animals. It is similar to the way he finishes sentences for me and replies to his own sentences. He'll create personalities for his animals and then reply to them in great detail. I say this as someone who also knows that non-human animals are sentient, unique individuals. I just don't think his projections are a part of their sentience. They are his delusions, his imaginary friends, his multiple personalities. Jimmy did this projection thing with a plush horse head who he named Pepe, when he was a wrestler going by Jammer in the WCWO. Pepe the plush horse had no actual personality-- it was just one of Jimmy's multiple personalities projecting onto an inanimate object, for his WCWO gimmick.

I obviously have some self-destructive tendencies, hence why I continued with such a person and wanted to spend more time with him. It was self harm on my part, absolutely. I don't always know how to get out of bad situations once I'm in them. I do like criminal psychology and Bailey Sarian podcasts as well, so he is intriguing. I do wish I never would have met him though. Jimmy has a lot of sympathizers in his life who encourage him to take recovery steps or to heal mentally. They feel sorry for him. They don't want to banish him from their degenerate communities, because they either do not care, or they do not understand the degree of how horrifying he truly is. They think he should stick around and be rehabilitated. I don't think he will ever get better.

Anyway ladies, that's just a little bit about James Charles Link, in case you were interested in spending some quality time with him. It's just a little something to chew on. These James-Centered commercial breaks are cathartic and healing. There will be more of them in the future. I was extremely traumatized from spending time with him, and now that I have had time to heal, I do not believe there was any love involved in any of this situation. This is just a James Link primer. He's even more evil, calculating, and manipulative than I have posted on here. Some of it is way too difficult to talk about on here for now. Like the crisis line volunteer stated-- he is poison. He will always be poison, just like most strip club DJs and managers. It is the core of who he is.

I'm always one to deep google my crushes before pursuing them. When I met James, I thought he was a mature, community-oriented man who works full time, selflessly tends to stray cats and dogs in need, hasn't used opiates in ten years, tends to old people and volunteers out of the goodness of his heart. Most of that is horse shit. The internet didn't have all of the important facts readily available for me that I needed to know about James C. Link when I deep googled him. Now it does. You're welcome.

Mouse's Ear Memoirs: Taylor Renae Miller

Taylor Renae Miller is a dancer who I empathize with in certain ways. However, I must still must doxx her. She spread a bunch of fucked up rumors about me that weren't true. She is Alex Cave's friend who was opposed to my resistance. She is much too scabby and destructive to remain anonymous.

Taylor Renae Miller was off my radar for the longest time. Normally when I see short, dumpy, heavily tattooed strippers smoking heavily, spending significant time socializing in the dressing room, always hustling in groups, I dismiss those individuals without thinking twice about them. I didn't think one way or another about Taylor for the longest time. Taylor and I never had a single conversation that I can recall. I avoided her because of her garden variety appearance, garden variety behavior, and because she associated with all of the worst people who I've already posted about on here. I'm not going to share Taylor's stage name on this website. It's a famous band that is close to my history and heart. I don't want to associate such a beautiful entity with a dumpy turd like Taylor.

After Lizzie was fired for putting a hex on me, after I got accused of bugging my locker when I didn't, and after Brandy informed me that Taylor was covertly spreading rumors that I am a witch, I got to thinking. I'd never willingly admit to felonious activities, as mentioned in previous posts. I am just saying-- I got to thinking about what would happen if I actually did bug my locker like I was falsely accused of doing. Taylor's favorite sitting area was right by my locker. She was up there more often than she was hustling on the show floor.

As a bit of background about Taylor, she has a Model Mayhem profile with many typos. She thinks of herself as a successful model, because a few no-name photographers have taken her picture and posted them on the internet. None of her modeling photos resemble how dumpy and nicotine-covered she looks in person. Her face is so-so. Her best strip club sales asset is her round juicy ass, which she is able to move in wonderful artistic ways on stage. Asset aside, her overall look is unimpressive in an emo, chain smoker, tattoo-addict way. Taylor became a mom when she was a teenager. She had two kids early on in life with an abusive narcissistic male who she got stuck with. She has a lot of stretch marks. She was still platonically co-habitating and co-parenting with her inseminator in 2019. When they were still together romantically, he lied to and cheated on her multiple times. One time, she had her friend flirtatiously text him in a set-up while he was using the shitter. He took the bait while on the shitter, texted back flirtatiously, and Taylor caught him. One must ask though-- why did Taylor even need to go through all of that with the set-up to begin with? It's unfortunate that Taylor wasted her precious time on such a disgusting piece of shit. I hate her ex. Taylor's voice was so congested from smoking that she was unable to pronounce N noises in certain words. For example, when discussing hair toner that she applied to herself, she pronounced it “toader,” because of all the mucus. I am very curious to see a picture of her lungs. Taylor worked at Mouse's Ear for about eight years prior to my arrival. On slow nights, she barely had enough gas money for getting home. She was considering switching to a career in daycare. She once stated that she wanted a “make it rain” sort of stripper life when she became a dancer, and then glumly stated, “Instead I got this.” She spent her 2019 birthday at work. Early on in life, Taylor experienced trauma from a mentally ill, abusive mother. Taylor once said about herself “I have paranoid schizophrenia,” and stated that she usually thinks everybody is mad at her. I'm not sure if that statement was hyperbole, but Taylor certainly had a lot of fucked up misconceptions about me that were troublesome to have to parse through.

When Taylor didn't think I was around to hear her, she used to tell dancers that I was “scared to death” of her, and that was why she and I didn't talk. She'd mentor the new dancers and tell them to stay away from me and my witchcraft. Every previous entry in which I mention dressing room hags without naming them, Taylor is included, and usually central to the conversations. She just disgusts me so much that I didn't want to name her before in previous entries, because I have been avoiding thinking about her. When she didn't think I could hear her, Taylor stated that she hopes I die in a car wreck. Taylor used to spread false rumors that I was giving customers discounts. Taylor had a strange fixation with the fact that I am originally from the Chicagoland suburbs. However, she never clarified that I am from the suburbs, or that most of my dancer life has been away from Chicago in other states. She'd spread rumors that I am from Chicago proper, that most of my dancer life has been spent in Chicago, and that the reason why I am a good hustler is from working in Chicago. She would make statements about her desire for me to “go back to Chicago!” and say things such as, “She works like she's still in Chicago!” Taylor regularly expressed a desire for me to go work at The Ball, which was a gross ghetto fast-paced strip club across town where I had no desire to ever be. She thought that's where I belonged instead of Mouse's Ear, and that I needed to slow down my sales while at Mouse's Ear. She didn't like it very much that I sold so many dances in short amounts of time, so she tried to come up with reasons why it was not ok that I was successful. She regularly brought up the fact that she had kids to feed and was struggling to do that-- as though it was my fault that customers didn't want her. At some point, Taylor became at least somewhat aware of my litigious past, and she discussed how she thought the club was worth less than $500,000, and how she didn't think I would have success with a lawsuit. She was wrong, of course. Taylor was interested in MMA in 2019, and stated that she wanted her hands “to become lethal weapons.” She once shoved me when she walked past me. People do that to me from time to time. The reason why I don't react to lowly dumpy squatty chain smoking broads shoving me isn't because I am afraid of them. I do not react, because I have the capacity for great violence and don't want to lose my job or get arrested for putting someone in a coma.

Earlier on in the series, I mentioned that I purchased some rose quartz in Maggie Valley. It was a manual massage tool that I used on my neck and shoulders while meditating at the start of my shift in the dressing room. Meditation rituals are very important to me. Meditation does not make someone a witch. Meditation does not mean someone cannot be an atheist. Sometimes while meditating, it would just be Taylor and I up there at the start of the shift. We'd sit on opposite sides of the narrow attic with our backs facing each other. Sometimes I caught her staring at me through the mirror while I was massaging myself with the rose quartz. I thought it would be funny to ham it up a bit with the meditations after I found out she was spreading the weird witchy rumors about me. It was during these times that I thought of my late great ancestor, Rebecca Steele. Most of the people arrested for witchcraft just denied it, but Becky did the opposite. She confessed to the authorities that Satan appeared to her in the form of a faun, and that he knew her carnally. Becky told the court that she associated with foxes, crows, and cats in the woods. Historians and us descendants still don't know why she did that. It was as though she was intentionally hamming it up for entertainment, even if it ultimately lead to her execution. So, I thought of Rebecca Steele a lot when stupid ass Taylor Renae Miller was weirded out by my rose quartz massage rituals and spreading those witchy rumors about me. It gave me lulz.

Taylor briefly quit Mouse's Ear in November, in a dramatic walkout. I don't know the details of that situation, but she returned to work a few days later as normal. More recently, she was working at The Ball, where she wanted me to go in 2019. I thought that was hilarious when I saw it on facebook, and even more hilarious was when I read last week that The Ball was shut down because of it's association with local homicides. I don't know where Taylor is now.

Taylor isn't much younger than me, but one thing about me that really irked her was my advanced age in relative to the other Mouse's Ear dancers. While I was much more attractive than most of the Mouse's Ear dancers, and while customers certainly wanted me more than most of the dancers, my age bothered Taylor a great deal. She regularly expressed her discontent about my age, likely because she needed more reasons and fodder to slander me in her attempt to get me out of there. Perhaps she had been eating a lot of Ramen from being so poor, and she was HANGRY. As mentioned in previous entries, a lot of clubs have older dancers working in them just fine, but Mouse's Ear mostly did not. In our next entry on Mouse's Ear Memoirs, we will examine Taylor's close workplace associate Ashley Eldridge, and we will continue to explore Taylor's fixation with age-shaming me for my excellent hustling ability, thirty-something beauty and showmanship.


I have a couple more requests with accompanying descriptions:

#1: I need information about Amber Loewenstein in her relation to Coyote in Crawfordsville. She is friends with drug-dealer-scab-stripper, Alonna Falcona Hunt. She is also married to the piece of shit manager who illegally fired me, Jeremy Loewenstein. She is also friends with and works at other clubs that violate labor rights. Please send the info through the contact tab at the top.

#2: Please send me information about the effectiveness of Recovery Rec Center in Crawfordsville, Indiana. That is where James Charles Link was “volunteering” and had me hang out with him. I’m pretty sure he had to do community service there as part of a DUI, and just lied to me about a desire to help the community. There is a distinct “Hillbilly Elegy,” libertarian, victim-blaming, Christian feel to the place. I do not believe this place is effective, and I am suspicious of the obese broad who runs the facility. Coincidentally, she started making strange posts around the same time that this James stuff started happening. My advice to anyone struggling with addiction, is to always be suspicious of small town Midwestern plebs who accuse you of being “too negative,” dismiss or gaslight your gothic thoughts, have no critique of capitalism, tell you to “be humble,” or otherwise exhibit an elementary analysis of the world. These people are sick and so is this facility.

Finally, I’d like to remind all dancers that you don’t have to be an activist to sue your club. Your money is stolen from you, your rights are violated, and it is not selfish at all to simply sue clubs to get your money back. Only a fucking idiot would call you selfish for getting money back that was stolen from you; only a fucking idiot would side with a strip club on that matter. There are a lot of fucking idiots out there, but try not to listen to them. I support all strippers who sue clubs, regardless of their motivation. So does Strippers United, and a whole host of other activists and organizations on our side. Stomp out the plebs and keep fighting for all that you are entitled to— your lost wages, your house fees, your physical boundaries, your right not to be harassed, your right to unionize, and your right to keep your job.


I have an estranged, exceedingly unattractive and mentally ill cousin. He is a middle aged man who lives in his parent’s attic. He beats off for internet porn websites, in hopes of becoming a successful porn star. He is confused as to why he isn’t successful. I’ll make it real simple: Because nobody wants to see that shit. NOBODY. WANTS. TO. SEE. THAT. SHIT. His sister is a mentally ill woman who desperately wants to be famous, and her shining achievement in life is going on CNN as a member of AntiFa.

I bring this up, because during Mouse’s Ear Memoirs, I have accumulated an ever growing collection of losers who want me to change in some way, as though I am not already awesome. Sometimes they collect, communicate, collaborate— scabs, strip club owners, estranged relatives, underachievers, Recovery Center Fat Ladies who run ineffective programs. These people want me to grovel if make mistakes, as though they have one over on me. I’m not without my regrets. Here are some of them:

I regret not contacting Child Protective Services as a girl and becoming legally emancipated early on in life.

I regret not suing more strip clubs.

I regret not audio recording more exploitative owners, managers, scab coworkers, and their dealers.

I regret not doing more.

My advice to anybody else doing labor activism or any other kind of activism, is to know that your haters will collect in globs, gather with pitchforks, and that just comes with the territory. It means you are winning, so keep going. You’re awesome.


Normally people don’t volunteer to be my witnesses, but every once in a while I get an amazing email, text, or phone call from someone willing to do so. So, I am making a witness request. Please contact me through the tab at the top of the page if you have information that I am looking for, or any other information that you think I would be interested in.

#1: If you have ever worked at Kappa Men’s Club in Kappa, IL, Schoolhouse Bikini Bar in Neoga, IL, or Club Coyote in Crawfordsville, IN— Do you know of any social networks among the managers that discuss me or this website? Do you know of anybody who has been illegally terminated from any of these clubs for not engaging in prostitution, for not letting customers touch them all the time, or otherwise asserting boundaries? Do you know of any previous labor violations and the psychological warfare campaigns against them? Please contact me if you have any of this information.

#2: Please contact me if you have any incriminating or damning information about Jeremy Loewenstein, manager of Club Coyote Crawfordsville.

#3: Unrelated to labor rights, James Charles Link stated plainly that he murdered seven people in Blood gang related activities. When I asked him what he did with the bodies, he began to tell me about himself and an accomplice, but stopped himself. I am curious to know if this is true. If you have information regarding Blood-related murders, or what James Charles Link did with the bodies, please contact me.

#4: I’d like to know where James Charles Link is obtaining his opiates in Crawfordsville, Indiana. I generally don’t like opiate dealers. I’d like to know who these dealers are. James Charles Link informed me that Alonna Falcona Hunt was his cannabis dealer, but that he no longer purchases from her because her product is not good. Does Alonna Falcona Hunt also sell him his opiates? She is a scab dancer who is friends with my fucked up bosses at the last club that fired me. I suspected she was a Pretendian, and when I brought up the issue with James Charles Link, he said he didn’t think she was a Native American either, and said, “I don’t know why she does that”— referring to her Native American costume.